Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Magic of Coffee

All is right with the world today. After being deprived of our life-giving coffee on a cruel Monday, my teaching partner bought a new coffee maker and brought it to school today. It was quite the event as we watched in eager anticipation as the first pot brewed this morning. Even some non coffee drinkers popped into my classroom to see what all the excitement was about. The new coffee maker created quite the buzz (no pun intended). We all laughed at how pathetic we must be if we get whipped into a frenzy over a $20 coffee maker. We also agreed it doesn't take much to make us happy. A hot cup of java makes all the difference in the world. It was a good day :-)


  1. Haha.... I was very amused this morning!!!!

  2. Do you have more than one teaching partner? I know my daughter doesn't drink coffee and she told me she was your teaching partner. Glad you had a better day!
