Sunday, May 26, 2013

Our church and its veterans

Tomorrow is Memorial Day (Decoration Day if you're old enough to call it that). As my family always does, we attended Sunday School and the morning worship service today. I love so many things about our church, but one thing in particular is the way it recognizes veterans, celebrates patriotism and acknowledges God's continued blessing on the United States of America. It is so wonderful to hear all of this from the pulpit knowing our church does not shy away from such things. We even sang a hymn (the title escapes me), but the lyrics sang of God protecting our soldiers on land, in the air and at sea. It was just beautiful. How many churches today do that? I'm guessing not very many. I always make it a point to thank veterans, but today I was a man possessed in seeking out every veteran I could find. I shook their hand heartily while looking them in the eye and thanked them for their service to our nation. In this age of political correctness, it is so refreshing to be a part of a church that boldly embraces the ways of the past and doesn't worry about offending someone in the recognition of veterans and Memorial Day. It's because of these brave men and women that we enjoy the freedoms we have today.

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