Saturday, September 17, 2016

We are survivors

How did we ever survive as kids? We never had car seats (shucks, we didn't even wear seat belts until the 80's). We didn't wear bike helmets (and we rode our bikes EVERYWHERE!). We rolled down big hills in grocery carts (I'm looking at you little brother!). We had wars with rocks and sticks and managed to avoid injury (to the best of my memory). We played all day in the summer heat and didn't hydrate every 10 minutes. If we wanted a drink, the garden hose was an endless fount of cool refreshment. We played outside after dark and got bitten by mosquitos. I somehow escaped the Zika virus. We played football in the street and somehow avoided being run over by a car. Incredible you say? No, we were smart and got on the sidewalk when a car came down the street. We pretended to go camping and built LITTLE fires using small sticks. Somehow we didn't burn ourselves or burn down any buildings. AMAZING! It must be a miracle that I'm even here to type this today. How in the world did I survive my childhood? It was easy... we were kids and we played with each other outside. We respected each other and had a lot fun. We weren't perfect. We had our arguments and fights. But no matter how mad we got, we were still friends the next day. We never, ever thought of intentionally hurting one another (except for some name calling). We had thick skins and that was the way it was supposed to be. Yes, we were survivors.

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