Saturday, September 3, 2016

Willy Wonka

The great comedic actor, Gene Wilder, died this week. He played a lot of great roles, but he is probably most well known for playing Willy Wonka. Remember the beginning of the movie when Willy Wonka limps gingerly out of the factory with the aid of a cane only to do a somersault and pop up with a big smile on his face? Gene Wilder revealed he told the director he would only take the role if he was allowed to do that. The director asked why. Wilder said because from that point on, nobody would know if Wonka was lying or telling the truth. The director agreed and the rest is history. Remember the end of the movie when Charlie learns he will inherit the chocolate factory from Willy Wonka when he dies? Well, Charlie's wait is over... Willy Wonka died this week and Charlie is moving in.

Wonka: What do you think of my chocolate factory, Charlie?

Charlie: I think it's the most wonderful place in the whole world!

Wonka: I'm glad to hear you say that, Charlie, because I'm giving it to you!

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