Saturday, January 31, 2015

Happy Teachers

We've joked about doing this to the water cooler at work, but would never actually do it of course. Imagine how much happier teachers would be and how much less stressed out they would be. (see photo below)

Here's a true story as told by one of my childhood teachers (who I also worked with when I was a young teacher and she was in the twilight of her career). Keep in mind this happened in a small school in the 70's. Times were different back then. She told me that when I was in elementary school the kindergarten and 1st grade teachers would bring Bloody Marys and Mimosas to work in thermos bottles on special occasions. The principal was fully aware of this and had no objection to a little bit of booze to take the edge off on special occasions (to my knowledge this was not a daily practice). At first I thought my teacher friend was pulling my leg, but she swore it was the truth. I pondered this for a little while and suddenly some things started to make sense. I remember these teachers being very energetic and always happy. They used to do puppet shows for the kids and they were WILD affairs. These teachers were always loud and boisterous and constantly making jokes to each other over our heads. I'm guessing the jokes weren't G rated either. Now it all comes together and the explanation is obvious. These teachers were half crocked and we kids didn't even know it. But you know what? I'm not condoning the consumption of alcohol on the job (especially when working with children), but I don't think we kids were any worse for the wear because of it. I can't imagine trying to do my job today if I was even a little bit schnockered. Different time. Different circumstances. No wonder my teachers always seemed so happy... they were looped! And all these years I thought it was because they loved their jobs. I was so naive!

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