Monday, January 5, 2015

The Doldrums

The dictionary defines doldrums as a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or depression. This word originates as a nautical term. It’s a place near the equator between the northern and southern trade wind zones. It’s an area where there is not much wind and therefore makes it difficult for sailing vessels to get anywhere. In the modern era of motor powered vessels, the doldrums are not really a problem. Many years ago the only mode of ocean travel was wind-powered ships. When one of those ships entered the doldrums it could be a real problem. Without much wind, ships could at worst be stranded or make very slow progress at best. It would be similar to a gas powered ship running out fuel or being crippled to the point of only being able to limp along.

Why all this talk of the doldrums? It’s not because I am a history teacher and feel the need to educate my blog readers. It’s because I always refer to the months of January and February as the doldrums. Some people call it the winter blues. For me, the doldrums is that part of winter when absolutely nothing is going on. It’s the time after Christmas, but before the weather gets warm enough to do anything outside. It’s a time when it’s dark when you wake up and it’s dark again by dinnertime. It’s a time that even during “daylight hours”, the weather is so dreary and gloomy that is may as well be nighttime. It’s a time of general inactivity and a time when it’s tough to get motivated to do much of anything. It’s a time when the best adjective to describe any day is probably “Blah!”.

So here we are. We find ourselves at the very beginning of the winter doldrums. The most significant news of the day is that we are expecting accumulating snow tomorrow. However, the doldrums do not have to be months of ho-hum activities. The atmosphere is perfect for cuddling, reading and tucking yourself under a blanket with a hot beverage. Personally, I will use the time to get some reading done, read and study Scripture and maybe even get some household tasks done. Regardless, it is not my plan to sit around and allow myself to get depressed and fatter. I plan on being productive and not allowing seasonal depression to get me in its clutches. Who’s with me?

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