Wednesday, September 5, 2018


There is an upswell in the Socialist movement in our nation today. It started last year with Bernie Sanders. Socialism has never worked and never will. See the past example of the Soviet Union or the modern example of Venezuela. In a word... DISASTER! Never in the course of human history has Socialism worked. Resources are not meant to be divided equally. Those who work harder and make more money have more stuff. Those who choose not to get an education or pursue a good job have less stuff. Heck, even in Old Testament times you didn't eat if you didn't work. This is not a commentary on those who are truly in need and CANNOT work. Those folks need help and I am happy for my tax dollars to offer assistance to those who truly need it. I take issue with an able bodied man not working, but expecting the government to take resources away from someone else to provide for him. The world is not a fair place. It is full of haves and have-nots. To a large degree in this country we get to choose how much we have. That is the beauty of capitalism. In a socialist society a person has zero control of how much they have because the government controls everything and doles it out. No thank you!

I would love to have a big, shiny, new fishing boat. I don't have one because I chose a career in education. My salary does not permit for such luxuries. Other people have nice boats. Why don't I? Because of decisions I have made. Nobody owes me anything. I have made my own decisions and I live with them.

Socialism does not work. Socialism cannot work. Socialism will never work. Show me an example of a country where Socialism has worked and I'll gladly change my mind.

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