Thursday, June 25, 2020


Remember when President Trump was excoriated by the liberal left wing for referring to the Corona Virus as the Chinese Virus? Remember when someone in Trump's administration was vilified for using the term "Kung Flu"? Well, have a look at what hypocrites the liberal left are. The following photos show two different instances of the same reference, but weren't called out under President Obama's administration. The first photo comes from a promotional video put out by the Atlanta Public School System in 2016. The second photo shows a government website encouraging veterans to get a flu shot in 2015. Notice anything? Both of these photos were taken BEFORE President Trump took office, yet there was not a whisper of outrage from anyone. Hypocrisy, plain and simple. What's good for the goose should be good for the gander.

And just to be clear, and so I am not accused of being hypocritical myself... I am NOT offended by any of these. Not the references made by President Trump and his administration. Not the references to the Kung Flu under the Obama administration.

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