Thursday, August 14, 2014


I wasn't around when television was first invented. I can only imagine how incredible it must have been to those who were. A wooden box that showed moving pictures and sound... AMAZING! In the years since, our culture seems to have been completely consumed with television. However, I do remember a time when television wasn't completely pervasive in our lives. Don't get me wrong. I like television... in small doses. I'm not a couch potato who can watch anything and everything for hours on end, but I do enjoy watching a 30 minute, mindless sit-com or a sporting event from time time to time. This post is not about the total filth and garbage that is on TV today (that's a post for another day). This post is about the amount of time we spend watching TV today versus decades past and the availability of what is on TV now versus then.

Think back with me. Remember when there were only five channels (at the most)? You had 5, 9, 12, 19 and 48. Not only were there only five channels, but these channels signed off for the night too. In other words, TV wasn't a 24 hour/day affair. Also, remember when kids watched TV in the 60's and 70's? Saturday morning cartoons, Sunday night (The Wonderful World of Disney) and occasionally an after school special. That's it. Other than those times, kids weren't wasting away in front of the TV. Obviously the limited number of channels limited the availability of programming for kids, so this is a factor in the point I'm making. I remember the days of waking up on Saturday morning, pouring a bowl of cereal and plopping down on the floor in front of the TV to watch cartoons. After several hours the cartoons were over and they gave way to some made for television movie (BORING!). Mom would then gently encourage us kids (sarcasm here) to go outside and play. In actuality it was more like, "Turn off the TV and get your butts outside!". We also watched The Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday nights. This was usually a one hour program done in the typical Disney style of the day. The aforementioned after school specials usually came on at 4:00 (not every week) and had a cheesy movie trying to teach kids some life lesson. I was never a big fan of these specials and usually chose to go out and play baseball or something.

Fast forward to today. The dawn of cable and satellite television changed everything. Now there are literally hundreds of channels to choose from and they are on 24 hours a day. There is no concept of a channel signing off for the night. Whatever you want to watch is only a remote control click away... anytime you want it. Kids today have no concept of a time when there is nothing available to watch. There is always something to watch... (enter Nickelodeon, The Disney Channel, TV Land, The Cartoon Network, Boomerang, ABC Family, and countless other networks created solely for kids). Add to that the birth of the VCR, DVD players, computers, Netflix, the internet, Smartphones, iPhones and video games... I firmly believe this is why you rarely see kids playing outside anymore. There is so much instantly gratifying, stimulating entertainment available through these outlets there is really no reason for kids to go outside to seek stimulation or entertainment. When the world is at your fingertips inside, there is no reason to go looking for anything outside.

And speaking of TV from the old days... remember when you actually had to walk over to the television to change the channel? Remote controls were not even a thought or possibility. And when remote controls did enter American households, they were called "Space Age Technology". I remember as a child being called by my dad from the next room. I would dutifully answer dad's call only to see him on the couch, pointing to the television and hearing the following command, "Change the channel". In essence I was dad's remote control.

My how times have changed!

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