Monday, May 4, 2020

We can help

As businesses slowly begin to reopen, let us not forget those who lost income over the last 6-7 weeks. I am thinking specifically of hair dressers, servers, bartenders, and anyone else who works in the service industry. Here's what I'm thinking... What if everybody who gets a haircut, gets served food, gets their nails done etc... gives an extra tip over and above the normal tip. For example, if you get your hair cut, and the cost is $30, and you would normally tip $10... instead of paying $40, why not pay $50? Just as a one time shot until these people get back on their feet. Think about it for a minute. For those of us who have not lost income, or can afford it, what's an extra $10 to us? Just think if a person gives 15 haircuts in a day, and everybody tips an extra $10... that's an extra $150 in one day, and an additional $750 in one week. What's $10 to me? A meal at McDonalds, a six pack of beer, a trip to the Dairy Queen. Nothing. $10 is nothing to me. Let's all pitch in and give those extra tips. These people desperately need it, and we can all help!

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