Monday, May 21, 2012

And on this farm he had some...

Everybody sing along! Old Mick Meyer had a farm E-I-E-I-O. And on this farm he had some... TOMATOES!

The tomato plants may not look like much right now, but come mid-summer my deck will resemble a jungle. The plants were put into the EarthBoxes on May 11th. At that time the plants were approximately 4 inches tall. In ten days, the plants have more than doubled in size. We jokingly refer to the tomato plants as my babies because I take such care of them and fret over them. I even pay somebody to water them while I'm on vacation (tomato sitter?) For the record, I don't talk to them... that would be just plain weird!

Here's the kicker... I don't even like to eat garden fresh tomatoes. I can't stand 'em! I grow them because it's fun and because Tami loves them. I guess you could call it a labor of love.

I am semi-famous within my own family for growing tomatoes and peppers. They claim I have a green thumb. As stated in a previous post, I don't possess any special knowledge or talent. I just follow the directions on the box, water the plants regularly and care for them well. No real secret there... you just have to be willing to put in the time and effort. The photo below was taken on Sunday 5/20. I will post another pic when the plants are mature and full grown. You won't believe the difference.

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