Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's the most wonderful time of the year

I can hear Andy Williams crooning now... "It's the most wonderful time of the year!". Only this time it's not Christmas... it's spring getting ready to roll into summer. This time of year makes me feel so happy. School will be out in a matter of weeks. Vacation will begin. The pool is open. The Reds are on the radio almost every night. We will be spending lots of time on the deck, lounging around the pool, grilling out. it's also the time of year I get to plant my garden (yet another hobby of mine). I'm semi-famous within our extended family for growing tomatoes and peppers. I take very good care of my plants. As a matter of fact, we jokingly call them my babies. I don't have a garden in the traditional sense. The deer run rampant in Hidden Valley and they eat EVERYTHING in sight. Short of building a fence that resembles a maximum security prison, growing vegetables in my yard is out of the question. Therefore, I practice the wonderful hobby of container gardening. I grow tomatoes and peppers on my deck in specialized contraptions called EarthBoxes. Once planted, vegetables only need to be watered daily until they are ready to be harvested. My family thinks I have a green thumb. Boy, do I have them bamboozled! The EarthBox is nearly foolproof. This year I plan on adding to my array of plants growing on the deck. I am going to experiment with growing herbs~~~ mostly cilantro. We love cilantro and Tami uses lots of it. I've been doing some research and most of what I've read says herb gardening is easy, but cilantro is among the trickiest of herbs to grow. Well, nothing like starting at the top. What's the worst that could happen? The cilantro could tank and die. At least I will have tried. Best case scenario we are eating fresh cilantro all summer. Stop by the house this summer and you may find my yard looking more like a farm than a deck.

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