Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Truck

The long, grueling process of student testing is finally done for the year. We started in February and tested on and off for three and a half months. To say Ohio students are over tested is a gross understatement. To be completely honest I feel like I've been run over by a truck. If the state's intent was to beat teachers into a greasy spot in the rug, they succeeded. I fail to to see how this process is productive or helpful to anyone in education (kids and adults alike). I think the only benefit goes to state legislators and the test making companies getting rich off the public schools. Tonight I am completely worn out and feel like I could sleep for a week. Don't get me wrong... I'm all for an honest day's work, but this is overkill. If you think I'm throwing a personal pity party or exaggerating, ask any public school teacher and they will tell you the same. This is ridiculous!

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