Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Down Down Down

Diet update...

It seems like so long ago that I couldn't break through the 20 pound mark on my diet. It is now a distant memory as I set my sights on the 30 pound mark. As of today my weight loss stands at 28 pounds. That sounds like a lot (and it is), but honestly, I'm just getting started. I don't really have a specific goal in mind, but somewhere in the neighborhood of 50-60 pounds seems to be about right. That goal is definitely attainable by the end of the year. I'd like to enter 2016 a thin, new man.

I have not cheated on my diet in weeks and I haven't had a "bad" snack in months. The plan really is simple. Quit eating junk. Only eat enough to satisfy my hunger. Get off my butt and get some exercise. And in the immortal words of Tami's dad, "If it tastes good, spit it out!". So far the plan has been successful.

Another method I use is called, "If it's white, get it out of my sight!". White things include sugar (of course), potatoes (and other starches), flour (breads, rolls, pastries, crackers etc...), milk (unless you drink 1% or skim). I've been eating a lot of lean meats (nothing processed), salads, vegetables, eggs and drinking more water.

Summer is a difficult time to diet. I've got free time on my hands (too easy to walk to the fridge for a snack). There are cookouts every weekend and an ice cream shop on seemingly every corner. But now that I'm rolling, nothing will stop me.

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