Sunday, June 28, 2015

The offense of the cross

Our society today does everything possible (and I do mean EVERYTHING) to avoid offending people. Companies bow to public pressure all the time because someone claims s/he was offended. Political correctness exists for the sole purpose of not offending anyone. We can't say someone is mentally retarded anymore (this is now called the "R" word). It simply means someone is slow. It doesn't mean they are less of a person or some kind of mutant. Calling someone retarded is now considered to be mean and hateful. Isn't that ridiculous? Native Americans are offended by the team called the Washington Redskins. They say it's racist. We as Americans have developed such thin skins. You can't say anything anymore without fear of being called a racist, bigot or hate monger. It seems America is concerned about offending anyone except Christians. Right now it's open season on followers of Christ because we are supposedly so judgmental and pious. It's not true, but it's the common viewpoint today. The truth is, people are offended by the cross, the Gospel and the Bible. It makes them very uncomfortable because they know they aren't living for the one true God. They don't understand it, they're afraid of it and they reject it. The Bible says one day every tongue will confess and every knee will bow. At that point it will be too late for many. Some of you reading this may be offended. It's what the cross does.

For the record, I am not claiming to be better than anybody. Because I'm not better than anybody. I am a sinful man, but I have the assurance of the Gospel. The penalty of my sin has been paid in full by a Savior. I didn't do anything to earn or deserve this salvation. It's impossible to do anything to "earn" your way into heaven. It's only God's grace that allows it. A smart man (Jonathan Edwards, not me) once said, "The only thing you contribute to your salvation is the sin that makes it necessary".

I'm a far-from-perfect man, but the Bible assures me of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. It's all I need.

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