This is it! Today’s the day we say goodbye to Obama and hello to our new President, Donald J. Trump. It’s the end of an error. Not an era, an error… an eight-year error to be exact. I have been counting the days and now I am counting the hours until this national nightmare is over. I am hopeful our new President will usher in much needed reform in a nation that has been in steady decline since Obama took office on January 20, 2009. However, I am smart enough to know that Trump is just a man. The real ruler is seated on the throne in heaven. Our sovereign God is in control. He put Obama in office and he has now put Trump in office. My faith lies in things above and not on things of this earth. To God be the glory!
To those who say Hillary won the popular vote or the Russians hacked our election, I submit the following excerpt from an article I read a while back.
It’s obvious that the election wasn’t hacked. If, say, Russia wanted to elect Trump, they would have given him the popular vote victory along with his electoral victory. They also wouldn’t have left him to squeak out meager wins across the upper midwest and rust belt.
The media is intentionally lying to the public because they want a better excuse for Election Day than the reality. They would rather focus on hacking, the popular vote, FBI Director James Comey, or the minuscule alt-right, instead of accepting that American voters slightly preferred Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton, at least in the states where it counted. People wanted change over the ineptness, cronyism, and stagnation of the Obama era. They didn’t trust the utterly untrustable Clinton and liked her even less.
The harsh reality is this: Hillary Clinton is the worst presidential nominee in American history. And if the media is actually concerned about fake news, they will drop the election hacking lie and just admit that their candidate was a disaster.
I also submit the following:
The liberals swore there was no way the election could be hacked when they believed Hillary was a virtual lock to win the election on November 8th. They insisted Trump accept that fact and also accept the election results. They chastised him when he said he would not necessarily accept the election results on November 9th. When Trump won, the left- wingers cried foul and said Trump did not legitimately win the election. They said Hillary won the popular vote and she should rightfully be President. Even though the Electoral College has been in place for a couple hundred years. Consider this… A tennis match could be scored as follows: 6-0, 6-7, 6-7. The player who won 18 games to 14 games lost the match. Why? Because the person who won 14 games won 2 sets to 1. Compare this to the election. Hillary got more votes (just like the tennis player that won 18 games), but lost the election (she received fewer electoral votes just like the player who won fewer sets). The liberals also started screaming about the Russians hacking our election. Yes, the same election they said COULD NOT be hacked mere weeks earlier. The liberals exhibited a classic case of wanting to have their cake and eat it too. The two months following the election have been filled with claims of an illegitimate Presidency, and insisting Trump is “Not my President”.
Now here we are on Inauguration Day. The Democrats have been throwing temper tantrums for two and a half months. They have shown themselves to be nothing but hateful, intolerant, sore losers. They have attempted to find an Achilles heel that would disqualify Trump from the highest office in the land (They failed). They tried to get recounts in key battleground states in an attempt to flip the Electoral College (They failed). They tried threatening the lives of Electors (They failed). They have made terrorist threats ahead of Inauguration Day (hopefully this will fail too). All of their weeping and gnashing of teeth has gained them nothing. Donald Trump will be sworn in as President today and there is not a doggone thing any of the liberals can do about it. It’s time for them to grow up and accept the facts. You lost. Your liberal, globalist agenda was soundly rejected. Deal with it! The people of the Heartland have spoken. May God bless Donald Trump, and may God bless America.
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