Have you ever wondered how the days of the week got their names? They are actually rooted in mythology.
Sunday- This is an easy one. Day of the Sun
Monday- This one is easy too. Day of the Moon
Tuesday- Named after the Norse God, Tiw (pronounced "too"). Tiw's Day
Wednesday- Named after the Norse God Woden. Woden's Day
Thursday- Named after the Norse God Thor. Thor's Day
Friday- Named after Norse God Odin's wife, Freya. Freya's Day
Saturday- Named after the Roman God Saturn. Saturn's Day.
Why this talk of the names of the days of the week? Because of a signboard I saw at the Lawrenceburg Burger King. It said they would be doing job interviews on Wensday. They spelled it exactly as we say it--- Wens-day. Look, people. I realize that of all the days of the week, Wednesday is the one most difficult to spell. I mean, let's face it. Nobody says Wed-ness-day. But c'mon! No matter how weird of a word it is, don't you think people would see it in print enough to know how to spell it? W-E-D-N-E-S-D-A-Y.
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