Thursday, September 4, 2014


The NFL season begins tonight and you know what... I don't really care. The prima donna football players making a gazillion dollars are growing tiresome. Watching football is just not as much fun as it used to be. I don't know, maybe I've outgrown it a little bit or maybe things have just changed too much over the years. How long will the NFL continue if it doesn't change its ways? NFL means "Not For Long" if they continue on their current path. The NFL is the richest sports league on the planet, but it will eventually self-destruct. How do I know? Well, consider the recent news story that said the NFL is considering asking musical artists to PAY for the privilege of performing at halftime of the Super Bowl. How greedy can you get? Team owners are billionaires and anybody in the business is richer than rich. Talk about unbelievable nerve! If I was a famous musician, I'd tell the NFL to go jump in the lake. What a crock!

The NFL season is underway. Here's my reaction... meh!

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