Sunday, September 14, 2014

Tami's recent sale

As mentioned yesterday, Tami's most recent sale went very, very well. She spent weeks preparing for it and setting it up. Friday and Saturday the merchandise went flying out the door. Tami and her clients were both happy with the results.

On another positive note, there is a quick turnaround until her next sale. The first weekend in October she will have another sale in Florence, Kentucky.

We've learned one very important thing through this business. Provide a quality product (i.e. operate things like you have a brain), provide good customer service (i.e. show people you care about them and their accumulated possessions) and you will get more business than you can handle. This is exactly what Tami is doing and the business keeps pouring in.

It will be interesting to see what happens this winter. It seems that estate sales would be a seasonal thing, but we'll have to wait and see. Maybe people will want to have sales in the cold weather. Either way, I'd expect things to at least slow down if not stop.

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