Friday, September 19, 2014

This is true!

Times sure have changed. I think kids live in a spoiled, "wimpified" culture nowadays.

As a teacher I see an epidemic of kids who cannot pay attention to save their lives. I do not believe 99%of these kids have ADHD. I think the real problem is these kids live in a world where they are constantly stimulated. They have television, computers, cell phones, Facebook, texting, and video games. When they are expected to sit quietly and still for any length of time they absolutely cannot do it. The solution IS NOT medicine or therapy. The solution is parents spending time time with their children, talking to them, teaching them and making very clear expectations for how they should behave. Please don't misunderstand me. There are children with legitimate learning problems and disabilities, but I think we are way too quick slap an ADHD label on a kid when in reality they are just victims of an overly stimulating world and seekers of constant and instant gratification. As a teacher I do my best to keep my lessons interesting and to be as entertaining as possible, but I will never be able to compete with cell phones, computers and video games.

Back in my day you never heard of anybody suffering from depression. That's not to say it didn't exist, but once again I think we are way too quick to label somebody as depressed. Sometimes people are loners by nature (ME for example). It doesn't mean these people are depressed. Sometimes people go through a period of feeling blue. This doesn't mean they're depressed. It means they've hit a rough patch and are feeling sad for a while. Once again, don't misunderstand me. There are people who are legitimately suffering from depression. I just think we use the label of depression as a catch all for a lot of problems that really aren't problems at all.

Check out the graphic below. It is so true!

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