Saturday, January 16, 2016

Date Night

I have spouted off numerous times about continuing to date your spouse after marriage. It's so important for married couples to take time away periodically. Practicing what I preach, this weekend, Tami and I are off to an undisclosed location for a little date. It will be a very short trip, but one that is much needed after the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. I am off work Monday, so it gave us a little more flexibility with our weekend. It's nothing fancy. Maybe just a trip to the antique mall, a nice steak dinner at Longhorn (Thanks for the gift card, Mom :-), and playing the trivia game at B-dubs while having an adult beverage. We're simple folk, and that's our idea of a good time. Nobody has ever accused us of being the life of the party.

It also brings to mind dates of yesteryear when the kids were little. If we had a few hours to ourselves, we considered a trip to the grocery store (without kids) a night out. I know all you parents understand. It's not about where you go. It's about being together and reminding yourself why you married this person in the first place. It never takes me long to remember when I'm with my wonderful wife. It's amazing what conversations you can have when you are out of the house, alone, and away from the distractions of life. It's hard to have a heart to heart when you see a pile of dishes in the sink and there is a mountain of laundry calling your name.

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