Saturday, January 9, 2016

Go Bengals

To say the Bengals are in a playoff victory drought would be a gross understatement. The last time the Bengals won a playoff game Tami and I were dating. Considering the Bengals have not won a playoff game in my married life and considering we celebrate our 25th anniversary this summer, this gives you an idea of the scope of how long it has truly been since the Bengals have been relevant in a run to the Super Bowl.

Tonight the Bengals will attempt to exorcise a number of demons that have haunted them for far too long. First, they play the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Steelers have some kind of psychological stranglehold on the Bengals. The Steelers punch the Bengals in the mouth and the Bengals wilt. They retaliate with stupid penalties and lose all discipline. Second, the game is at night. I have no idea what the Bengals’ record is in primetime, but I know it can’t be good. Finally, they are looking to get the proverbial monkey off their back where playoff victories are concerned. If the Bengals lose tonight, the playoff drought will be 25 years old and will extend the current streak to 5 straight years.

The Bengals have a fighting chance tonight, but they will have to do it with a backup quarterback in the rain. I try to not get emotionally attached to a football team and I try to remember this is just a game. But doggone it, at some point the Bengals need to win a playoff game. Is tonight the night? Let’s hope so!

I believe!

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