Monday, March 13, 2017


Today I am reminded of Marlon Brando yelling, "Stella!", in A Streetcar Named Desire". People here in the midwest, and people in the northeast may soon be yelling the same thing. Winter storm Stella is moving across the midwest where it is forecasted to be a nuisance, but the northeast stands to get slammed tonight and tomorrow. New York City could get from 12"-18", and Boston could get just as much. Our so-called winter that wasn't is not quite ready to give up the ghost just yet. Temperatures this week are more like normal temperatures for January. It's mid-March, and we're going to get winter now? Sheesh! Thanks a lot. Just when we thought we'd escape the clutches of Jack Frost unscathed, we get Stella.

I thought the photo below was interesting. The photo is not doctored, and was taken over the weekend. This house sits directly on Lake Ontario. The combination of winds and spray encased this house in ice. This isn't due to Stella, but the owner of this house might need a jackhammer to chip his way out.

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