Thursday, April 30, 2015

Bird is the word

You haven't lived until you've been in an open classroom school with a bird on the loose. That's exactly what happened today. Somehow a sparrow made its way into my school building and was flying from classroom to classroom. It was wreaking havoc wherever it went. There were children screaming and running around the hallways every time the unwelcome visitor flew into their room. Many children were fleeing in mock terror just for the sheer joy of being able to act like a crazy person for a while. Very few, if any, were actually afraid. It was complete bedlam (not exactly an environment conducive to learning, eh?). The students in my school are not exactly known for having much self-control. Add a sparrow flying from room to room and you have a recipe for mass chaos. You'd think these children had never seen bird before. Today at school... Bird was the word.

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