Monday, October 12, 2015

Holy Moley!

I'm trying not to make a mountain out of a mole hill, but there is a war going on in my own yard. A mole has taken up residence in my yard (the WHOLE yard) and he is tearing the living daylights out of everything. He is inflicting complete and total destruction on what used to be a fairly nice lawn. The war has been raging for weeks and the mole is winning. I have set traps for the little bugger and he has tripped it only once. Unfortunately the trap didn't get him (Swing and a miss. Strike one!). I did see him moving in one of his tunnels last week. I jabbed a big, long screwdriver into the ground where the earth was moving, but I missed him that time as well. (Swing and a miss. Strike two!). I have been keeping a close eye on his activity and I have strategically placed my traps where he seems most active, but up until now, I haven't gotten him yet. I have done extensive research on mole trapping and I feel encouraged when I read that it is tricky and difficult. However, this little pest clearly has no idea who he's messing with. I have a steely resolve that will see me giving up only after I pull his bloody carcass out of the ground. I will not surrender until I have won this war. I will keep you posted, but will spare you any gruesome photos. Watch out crafty Mr. Mole. I'm coming after you and it's only a matter of time before you die a horrific death.

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