Saturday, October 31, 2015

This Day

Today is October 31... Halloween. My disdain for everything Halloween is well known and I will not bore you further with it. Let's just say I'll be glad when it's over.

This date also brings to mind two other things...

In 1517, Martin Luther nailed his ninety-five theses to the church door and started the Protestant Reformation. This is a big deal to those of us in the reformed church. One of the things Luther disputed was the phrase, "When a coin in the coffer rings, a soul from Purgatory springs". He believed (and so do I), that the notion that anyone could buy his way into heaven (or out of Purgatory), runs counter to what Christ did. Christ died on the cross and paid the price for my sin. This is a free gift from God. An unmatched mercy and grace to His people. The idea that Jesus' crucifixion was somehow not enough and I had to kick in a few bucks to make it into Heaven, simply doesn't make sense to me. Christ died for me. He doesn't need my help to finish the job.

On this date in 1990, I spent my first day in a classroom as a teacher. Many people may think I started my career as a teacher at the beginning of the school year. That wasn't the case. In 1990 I started as a teachers' aide and didn't receive a teaching job for 2 months after the school year began. Back in 1990 the kids still wore costumes to school on Halloween. You can imagine how that went... My first day as a teacher I was dressed in a costume and my classroom was full of clowns, nurses, monsters, mummies, hoboes, vampires and everything else you can think of. Along with first day jitters and simply coming to grips with having a classroom of my own, I had kids in costumes to boot. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since that day.

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