Saturday, October 17, 2015

You can't keep a mole man down

Mick the Mighty Mole Hunter strikes again!

After successfully slaying my first mole yesterday, I went around the yard and stomped down all the tunnels that were snaking through the yard. I have been told that moles are usually solitary creatures, that is, even though your yard has been ripped to shreds, it's usually one mole inflicting all the damage. However, after carefully studying and analyzing the tunnels, I surmised there had to be a second mole... and I was right!

This morning I went out to set another trap. As I was making my game plan, I noticed movement in one of the tunnels. That little bugger was up early and was hard at work destroying my yard. I guess moles don't take weekends off. Mick the Mighty Mole Hunter sprang to action! A few calculated shovel strokes later I had the culprit... Mr. Mole's brother. I quickly scooped him out of his moley lair and tossed him onto the grass. I will spare you gory details of the rest of the story. I'm sure you can put 2 and 2 together... Suffice it to say Mr. Mole #2 is no more.

It has been quite a weekend. Here's the score:

Mick the Mighty Mole Hunter- 2
Mr. Mole & his ugly brother- 0

I will continue to monitor the mole tunnels for further activity (just in case Mr. Mole and his brother have a homely step-cousin). However, I'm relatively certain these two guys were the only ones. But if I'm wrong, I'll be ready. Moles quake at the sound of my name!

Here's Mr. Moles's brother. Eradicated without the use of a trap.

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