Thursday, March 3, 2016

How to be a gentleman- Part 6

I hope this isn't starting to bore you, but I think it's good stuff and really important as well.

Without further adieu... Part 6

Notice the little things. Pay attention to what's going on around you and comment accordingly. Women spend a lot of time worrying about their hair (and spend more money on it than us guys too). If she got a haircut, compliment her on it if you like it. If she took extra time cleaning the house or cooking your favorite dish, let her know you noticed the effort. If she sacrificed a part of her self for your sake or the children's sake, acknowledge the act. Don't walk around with your head in the clouds, guys. Notice her and what she does.

Pray with her and for her. I do a good job of praying FOR her, but a terrible job of praying WITH her. Once again in an effort to be completely transparent, I admit this is a terrible weakness of mine. Remember my "Do as I say, not as I do" disclaimer? The shoe fits here and I'm wearing it.

Carry things for her. I know this one is cliche', but do it. She took the trouble to go to the grocery store. Consider she already loaded the groceries off the shelf and into the cart. Then she unloaded the cart at the checkout lane. Then she loaded the bags into the car. After all of that, the least you can do is carry the groceries from the car into the house and then help with putting the groceries away. If she is carrying ANYTHING... take it from her and carry it. She may insist she doesn't need your assistance. That's fine, but offer anyway.

In that same vein... open doors for her. Cliche' again. I know. The ladies nowadays don't expect men to open doors for them. That makes it all the more important. Walk a few steps ahead and open the door for her. She will appreciate your attention to what seems to be a lost practice. Let her know that you are still a gentleman and still willing to treat her like the lady she is.

This one may seem redundant, but here goes anyway. Compliment her... often! Not just her looks either. Compliment her hair and clothing of course, but don't forget her cooking, her housework, her attention to things us guys never even think about. Compliment the way she smells (is that new perfume, Honey?). Compliment her skills as a mother and a wife (again, mostly things guys never give a second thought to). Compliment her choice of TV shows and movies (if you're like me, the movies guys choose are usually not that good). Once again, be genuine. Don't lay it on so thick that you seem like a phony. Also, don't compliment her only when you are looking for something in return (you know what I mean guys).

Here's a catch-all. Do whatever it takes to make her happy. This one is different for each woman. Listen for clues and you will have a good idea of what it takes to keep her happy. If she comments that a burger on a TV looks enticing, grill burgers for dinner. If she laments the leaky bathroom faucet... fix it today (not tomorrow). If she comments that the kids are driving her crazy, take the kids out for a daddy date and give her some much needed alone time.

I will close with a simple and obvious one. Put the toilet seat DOWN. One late night butt-dunk into cold toilet water and she will make sure you learn your lesson. I promise.

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