Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Pizza Delivery

If you need further proof that I am teaching a generation of soft, spoiled, self-entitled children, then this story is for you.

Yesterday one of my students asked if he could call his mother because he didn't like what the school cafeteria was having for lunch. Keep in mind the students are given a monthly menu and are offered TWO choices every day, so he should have known ahead of time what his lunch options were. Regardless, I let him call because it has always been common practice to allow students to call their parents on such occasions. In most cases parents deliver a bagged lunch or tell the children to suck it up and eat what the cafeteria is offering. Yesterday we reached a new low. The school office received a call and was asked if a pizza could be delivered to the student. Yep. You read that right. This parent wanted to have a pizza delivered to her son in elementary school. Whatever happened to peanut butter or bologna sandwiches? If I had asked my parents to have a pizza delivered to school they would have laughed me off the face of the earth.

Thankfully, in her wisdom, my principal did not grant permission for a pizza delivery to the school. She correctly stated this was not a practice we wanted to get started. This sort of thing tends to snowball and if permission had been granted, other children would have followed suit. In a matter of weeks we would have had pizza delivery drivers knocking down our doors.

I'm going to say this one more time for emphasis and to let you absorb the pure absurdity... a 4th grader wanted to have a pizza delivered to him for lunch at school. Sheesh!

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