Saturday, March 12, 2016

How to be a gentleman- Part 8

Getting sick of this yet? There is a lot to being a gentleman and it's HARD work!

Use good grammar. Yes, I'm serious. It doesn't take a lot of effort to speak correctly and she'll appreciate it when you do. "I ain't got no time to take out the trash" makes you sound ignorant. "I'm sorry, honey, I don't have time to take out the trash right now" is much more intelligent sounding. A gentleman knows how to speak proper english.

Accept her for who she is (warts and all). You have plenty of your own warts, don't give her a hard time about hers. "Honey, should you REALLY be eating that cake?" is not what she needs to hear. She is painfully aware of every pound she has put on since your wedding day. You are not exactly a picture of fitness either. Besides, you don't want her asking if you REALLY need to be drinking that beer, do you? Accept every gray hair, wrinkle, and extra pound. She earned every bit of it.

Call her beautiful instead sexy or hot (and yes, there IS a difference). Women want to be beautiful. They spend thousands of dollars a year on make-up, hair appointments, skin creams, clothing and countless other things. Calling a woman beautiful flatters her. Calling her hot or sexy sometimes makes you sound like a hound dog (guilty as charged, Your Honor). Don't get me wrong, the descriptors of hot or sexy have their place and I've used them many times. It's just that telling her she is beautiful carries a completely different connotation. Learn the difference.

Never make excuses. Accept responsibility for your actions. Be a man and own up to the things you do. It's okay to be wrong and it's even more okay to admit it. What woman doesn't like hearing a man admit he is wrong?

Always put her needs first. No exceptions. She is your Queen and she is to be treated as such. No matter what her needs are, work like crazy to fulfill them. Be selfless and put your own needs after hers.

Let her sleep. Get up and make breakfast for the kids and make a pot of coffee. Give her the opportunity to get some extra rest and give her the pleasure of walking to the coffee pot and pouring a fresh cup without having to make it herself. She has spent her entire life as a mother being sleep deprived. Give her a chance to rest when you can. Trust me. She did the same for you at some point and you probably don't even know it.

Do the dishes without her asking you to. It doesn't make you a girly-man to help out with housework. Something as simple as doing the dishes does a world of good. Imagine the smile on her face when she walks into the kitchen where she left a pile of dirty dishes and now they are gone. Imagine the relief she will feel when that chore is taken off her plate (pun intended). It's a simple act, but one that can really help her out.

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