Sunday, March 6, 2016

How to be a gentleman- Part 7

After a brief hiatus, the series continues...

This is a big one fellas. Never ever ever ever raise your hand to a woman. No matter how angry she makes you, no matter how exasperating she can be, don't ever strike a woman (not even in jest). There's not much else to be said on the topic. It's never okay to hit a woman (even if she slapped you first). If she slapped you, chances are good that you probably deserved it.

Be spontaneous. Call from work and tell her to not cook dinner. Tell her you're taking her out to eat at the restaurant of her choice. Planned nights out are great, but an unexpected reprieve from cooking dinner can make her very happy. Buy her something she wasn't expecting (it doesn't have to be expensive). She'll love the fact that she didn't have to ask you for it or buy it herself. Suggest you go for a walk on a nice day. It will give you a chance to talk while enjoying God's beautiful creation together. Being spontaneous is a good thing and something I really need to work on. I tend to plan things to death and that's not always a recipe for happy times.

Along the same lines... make decisions. Women do not always want to make all the decisions. That's way too much pressure. Take the reins and make some decisions. You won't always make the right decision, but she'll appreciate having some help in the decision making department.

Smile at her. Let her know you enjoy being in her presence. Let her know you are happy to be married to her. Let her know she makes you smile. This is another area I need to improve. For some reason I have a perpetual scowl on my face. Usually it's because I'm deep in thought and rarely because I'm mad. I also think I have to be so stern at work that I sometimes forget to take off my scowling teacher face and put on my smiling husband face. Remember guys, a little smile can go a long way.

Don't take her for granted. She works hard and many times she works hard at thankless jobs. Let her know she is appreciated and don't assume she is going to wait on you hand and foot every hour of the day. You'll never really know how much she does, but don't learn the hard way by taking her for granted. If she were to magically disappear, you'd learn real fast how much she does for you and the children.

Hug her. Hug her for no apparent reason. Hug when she expects it and when she doesn't. Just don't hug her when she's busy and your hug impedes her progress. Don't ask me how I know this. Take my word for it. I just do.

Hey, you're mopping the floor? How about a hug?
Hey, you have to use the restroom? How about a hug first?
The pot on the stove is boiling over? Want a hug?

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