Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Seven Dwarves

**Disclaimer** The idea for this blog post is not my own. I got it from a friend and do not want to take credit where it is not due. The idea is not mine, but expounding on it and writing about it are my original thoughts.

The seven dwarves go to my church. I'm not talking about little people and would never make fun of others in any way. I'm saying every church is a wonderful mish-mash of people with amazingly different personalities. These personalities fit those of the seven dwarves pretty well. Think about it for a minute:

Doc- All churches have those intellectuals who tend to be natural leaders because of their super smarts. We have people in our church who have degrees in Old Testament theology, who speak Hebrew, Arabic and Spanish. Lots of churches have smart people.

Happy- Do you ever wonder how somebody can be SO happy all the time? It doesn't matter what's going on, it seems as if some people wake up happy and just get happier as the day goes on. We have these folks in our church too. I have never seen these folks without a smile on their faces.

Grumpy- The flip side of happy. Some folks just never seem satisfied with anything. They seem to whine and complain about everything and want to make sure everybody knows they are not pleased about something. These types of folks are rare in our church, but let's be honest... we all know who they are.

Sleepy- Everybody comes to church tired at some point. It's human nature. Depending on how stimulating the sermon is or how long the sermon is, can determine the amount of sleepy people in a church. Our pastor is not long winded or boring. We love him dearly and he is a true treasure. But sometimes people get sleepy in church. It's so quiet and peaceful and lends itself well to heavy eyelids from time to time.

Bashful- Churches are full of introverts. Some people are so shy and quiet that I rarely (if ever) hear them speak. Not everybody comes to church for social interaction, and I'm completely okay with that.

Sneezy- This one is kind of tricky. It's not that one person sneezes all the time, but because the church is so quiet, it's difficult not to notice when someone does sneeze. More often than not it's someone coughing rather than sneezing. It's probably happened to all of us. You feel a cough coming on and you do your best to suppress it. This only makes things worse and you try to cough as discretely as possible. As you may guess, your body won't cooperate and sends you into a coughing fit. As much as you hate to do it, you have to get up and leave to avoid disturbing everybody in the church.

Dopey- I deliberately saved this one for last... and for good reason. I would never call anybody in my church Dopey. Goofy might be a better descriptor. I know Goofy is not one of the dwarves and is a different Disney character, but you'll see what I mean. Some people in our church have a goofy sense of humor. Admittedly I am one of them. There are just some folks in the church who tell corny and cheesy jokes and you love them for it. I won't mention any names, but we all know who they are :-)

So? Which one am I? I guess I'm a cross between Bashful and Dopey. I am quite quiet and I am fairly introverted when it comes to social interaction at church. I am also one of those guys who is always making wise cracks and telling silly jokes.

Can you picture the seven dwarves at YOUR church? I'll bet as you were reading the descriptions certain people were coming to mind already.

1 comment:

  1. When you were talking about Grumpy, were you referring to me!?... Don't lie! Teehee! ;-D

    -Your Dear Wife
