Friday, December 19, 2014

Sitting here thinking

I'm sitting here at my desk at school. Things are very quiet. There are no students in session today. It's what we call a teacher work day. Some schools call it a record keeping day. Whatever label you put on it, it's a day when we teachers get to catch up on work. My report cards are finished and submitted. My classroom has been cleaned and organized. My lessons for January are planned and ready to go. All paperwork is caught up. It's all over but the shouting. Now I sit and watch as the clock ticks toward a much-needed two week vacation.

As I look around my empty classroom today, several thoughts cross my mind. I'm thankful and truly blessed to have this job. I can't believe I have been doing this for 25 years. I think of the little running joke we have around here on these peaceful and quiet teacher work days. It basically goes like this: "This would be a great place to work if it weren't for all these kids!". I think about all the people I work with. They've always been like my second family. How many workplaces can say that? We've always said we're more like family than colleagues. I think of the many people whom I've worked with and have either retired, moved on or passed away. People in my life always ask me why I don't seek a teaching job in a more affluent district. The answer is easy. I never have and never will consider working anyplace else. This place is home to me (at least as much as a workplace can be home).

I think of my students right now. I think of the circumstances they may be facing during the Christmas season. It's easy to forget these kids when I'm nestled in my warm, comfortable home with family around me. We have plenty to eat and more love than we know what to do with. My students may be facing hunger, neglect, cold, untreated sickness, domestic violence and abuse, alcohol or drug abusing parents, incarcerated parents and a multitude of other things I can't even think of because they are so foreign to me. Who knows what Christmas will be like for these kids.

I think once again of a tiny babe sent to earth to be born in a lowly stall. A spotless lamb sent to save a sinful man like me.

Merry Christmas, friends and family. Thank you for reading the ramblings of a painfully simple guy like me.

Soli' Deo Gloria!
(To God alone be the glory!)

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