Saturday, February 14, 2015


We are celebrating today. Sveta turns 7 on the 18th, but we are having the party today. I can't believe my precious, little Russian angel is going to be 7. We are also celebrating the three year anniversary of Sveta being in the United States. On January 31, 2012, Jessi and Barry took legal custody of their daughter. On February 8th, 2012, the new family flew home from Russia and we met Sveta for the first time. One of the things I remember upon seeing her for the first time at the airport is how SMALL she was. She looked bigger in the photos, but she teeny tiny. I also remember how brave she looked. This three year old child walked boldly in a sea of well-wishers and acted as if she owned the place. I'll never forget how "at home" she seemed from the moment she walked into that airport terminal. I've been a Goppa for three years now and I have loved every minute of it.

Today at the party we are giving Sveta (among other birthday presents) a card with ten $1 bills in it. One for each year of her life (seven) and one for each year she has been in the United States (three)... 7+3=10. Credit goes to my wife for this idea. What kid doesn't like getting cold, hard cash in a birthday card? And I imagine ten singles seems like a heap more money than a ten dollar bill. Quantity is where it's at!

Of course we can't forget Elliott. I'm sure he will be in the middle of the action too. All the cake, ice cream and presents is sure to have him in rare form. It's going to be a good day!

Here's our girl. This is the first time we saw her in person. This is through the glass at the airport.

And here she is all "growed" up!

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