Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Mick the movie critic

Yesterday on my day off, Tami and I went out for a nice lunch at Chick-fil-a. We like to support a Christian business :-) Then we went to see TWO movies.

The first was "St. Vincent" starring Bill Murray. It was a heart warming story, but was a little rough around the edges. It was a good movie worth watching and I give it 3 out of 5 stars. We walked out of this movie and immediately purchased tickets for the next one.

The second movie was "Fury". This movie was set in April 1945 and followed a Sherman Tank crew as they rolled into Germany just as Hitler was launching his last ditch effort to turn the war. The tank crew was met with heavy resistance as the Nazis threw everything they had at the invading allies. It was violent, bloody, gory and had very strong language, but this is to be expected in a film that was trying to accurately depict some of the events of World War II. However, the movie was so much more than that. It had a good story with compelling characters. At 2 and a half hours long, the movie had no problem keeping our interest. Some movies are long and feel like it. This movie was long, but didn't seem like it. I give "Fury" 4 out of 5 stars.I recommend it with a warning toward violence and extremely strong language.

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