Tuesday, July 12, 2016

One at a time

When it comes to eating, people have some very strange habits and methods. Some people don't like their foods touching (corn cannot come into contact with mashed potatoes etc...). Some people refuse to eat something if it's not piping hot. Some people will not eat things simply because of texture, color, or smell. None of those things describe me. My particular food quirk is that I only eat one thing at a time. For example, if the meal consists of roast beef, green beans, biscuits, and salad, I will eat all of the roast beef first, then all the green beans, then a biscuit, finally finish with the salad. My family has ridiculed me for years about this. I have no idea how or why I started doing this, but I know I've done it for as long as I can remember. I do know I have a very logical reason for eating this way. Hear me out before you laugh at me.

Here's the reasoning... I always eat my favorite part of the meal first. Then my next favorite and my least favorite thing last. That way if I get full, the food left on my plate is my least favorite and I don't miss out on something I really like. I know this sounds strange, but I'm willing to bet there are other people who do the same thing.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go eat my steak, and then my baked potato, and finally my salad.

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