Monday, July 4, 2016

The 4th of July

As my daughter, Jessi, said when she was little, "Happy for the jolly!".

Today is the day we celebrate our independence from Great Britain. King George III was imposing excessive taxes on the colonies and was giving them no voice in Parliament (No taxation without representation). Colonists, fed up with the King's tyranny, began to revolt. This revolt was made official when the colonies submitted The Declaration of Independence to the King. Thomas Jefferson had penned one of the greatest documents in human history and King George was not at all happy about it. Enraged, he sent his army of "Red Coats" to put the colonists back in their place (under his thumb). The colonists were not deterred and continued their rebellion (Boston Tea Party anyone?). These acts further enraged the king and he ordered his army (the biggest, baddest, most well-equipped army in the world at that time) to crush the rebellion and resume the flow of tax revenue to Britain. You know the rest. A band of ragtag men who were not trained soldiers fought guerrilla style and held their own against this massive fighting machine. These shopkeepers, farmers, blacksmiths, and other commoners ultimately defeated the Red Coats and a new nation was born. Keep in mind what rebelling meant to these common men. They were traitors in the eyes of The Crown and would be executed immediately if caught. These men were so determined to free the colonies from King George they pressed on despite the threat of being put to death. It's because of these brave men (and the women who supported them) that we are the greatest, most powerful nation on the face of the earth.

"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately!"
Benjamin Franklin

"Give me liberty, or give me DEATH!"
Patrick Henry

"I have not yet begun to fight"
John Paul Jones

"There! His Majesty can now read my name without glasses. And he can double the reward on my head!"
John Hancock

"Our properties within our own territories should not be taxed or regulated by any power on earth but our own"
Thomas Jefferson

"Humanity has won its battle. Liberty now has a country"
Marquis De Lafayette

"The British are coming! The British are coming!"
Paul Revere

"Paul Revere is coming! Paul Revere is coming!"
The British (Just kidding. Only making sure you are still paying attention)

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