Monday, October 3, 2011

Michael Reconciles With The Leaves

Well, Michael and I took a long walk this evening. We collected enough different varieties of leaves for the completion of his project. It also gave us a chance to have a man to man talk. I did my share of explaining and he did his share of apologizing for his attitude and admitting collecting these leaves wasn't so bad. He also thanked me and said he appreciated all my help. What a great guy he is!

The comic relief came near the end of our walk when I decided to drive my point home and let him know why it may be helpful to know what different kinds of trees look like. I asked what he was going to do if one day his own little boy looked at him with big, brown eyes and said, "Daddy I have a leaf project for school, will you help me please?". I asked if he was going to tell his son, "Sorry, I don't know a maple from an oak. I can't help you son." I felt like I really knocked it out of the park until Michael simply replied, "I'll tell him to call his Grandpa". We had a good laugh over that one. 

It was a good evening. I really enjoyed the time with my son. However, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness knowing he is almost grown and will be off to college before I know what hit me. There aren't many days like this remaining with him. Except when he brings his son over to collect leaves with his Grandpa :-)

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