More on this quiet man. There have been a million occasions in the past when I've been silent. It is most evident in the car. I can ride for hours looking at the scenery and thinking of any number of things. My mind is miles away from what's going on. Tami's favorite way to call me back is to say, "Your silence is deafening". She couldn't be any more right. I'm lost in my thoughts. Meanwhile the kids are arguing in the back seat or somebody is trying to engage me in conversation. I'm oblivious to all of it. It has also been described as daydreaming or being "in the zone". Whatever you call it, it's not always a good place to be. Oh, I love it there, but it's not good for Tami and the kids. I don't go there on purpose. I don't make a conscious decision to tune everybody out. It just happens. I just drift there.
The problem used to be a lot worse. I think I have gotten better at not going into the zone at the wrong time. I'm not sure if Tami would agree. You'd have to ask her. I realized that my kids wanted to be with me. To spend time with me. To have my attention. I have made a genuine effort to actually be in the car with my wife and kids. We've had good conversations and even though I'm quiet in the car, my family doesn't have to wonder where I am. I'm right here.
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