Monday, April 21, 2014

Creature of Habit

To say I am a creature of habit is a gross understatement. If you asked Tami if I was a creature of habit, she'd say, "OMG! I could go on for hours!". I admit I'm a bit neurotic about things being "just so". Ask me to sit in a different pew in church and it could ruin my day. Disrupt my schedule and routine at school and you'll find me in foul spirits. Heck, I even trim my fingernails on the same day every week. I'm a bit quirky and a self-proclaimed weirdo. I don't mind... it's who I am.

Along those same lines, I probably look at my watch 200 times a day (not an exaggeration). I also carry my personal items in the same pocket every... single... time. My wallet goes in my left rear pocket. My keys go in my front left pocket. My cell phone always goes in my front right pocket. There is never, and I mean NEVER anything in my right rear pocket. People who observe me closely probably think I have some sort of nervous tic. Many times a day I give my self a pat down to check for all those items. It might look something like this: Pat left rear pocket. Wallet is there. Check! Pat left front pocket. Keys are there. Check! Pat front right pocket. Cell phone is there. Check! Repeat as necessary (which for me is every few minutes). I know... weird! However, I can tell you I have never in my life lost my wallet, keys or cell phone. How many people can make THAT claim? I'm guessing not that many. I may be overly cautious, but I have never in my life had to replace my drivers license or credit cards.

I'm not always happy about being a creature of habit set in my ways, but it does have its advantages.

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