Thursday, February 4, 2016

49 and holding

I am not in the habit of advertising my birthday. I don’t like being the center of attention and I am not fond of the idea of being another year older either. Yes, today is my 49th birthday and I’m only mentioning it because I received one the best birthday gifts a guy could ever get.

My day began just like any other. I got up early, got ready for work, and drove to school for yet another day of shaping the future of America (i.e. teaching 4th grade). I went through my morning classes and was preparing my students for lunch when I received my birthday surprise…

My entire family showed up at my classroom door! (Well, almost everybody. My sweet Abby had school today). My wife, my daughter Jessi, my son Michael, and all three of my wonderful grandchildren came smiling through the door. It was a surprise like no other! I was beyond happy and excited to see them! I proudly introduced my family to my students and spent a few precious minutes with them before they had to go.

I am the happiest Goppa in the world today! I am so overcome with emotion that my family would drive such a long way just to visit me for a few minutes on my birthday. Thank you, family, for making my otherwise ordinary day a special one. I will never forget this day as long as Iive!

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