Friday, February 26, 2016

How to be a gentleman- Part 2

The series of posts continues...

Say nice things to her. Don't be a flatterer. That's disingenuous. Compliment her looks. Compliment her cooking. Thank her for all the thankless jobs a mother and housewife does. Just use kind words. It may seem like a small deal to you, but it's a big deal to her.

Comfort her when she cries. Admit it guys. You'd rather she take a frying pan upside your head than to see her cry (especially if YOU are the source of those tears). Your woman is going to cry. Comfort her. Give her a shoulder to cry on and offer supportive words to ease the pain. Don't downplay the reason she is crying. Just because you don't think something is worth shedding tears over, that doesn't mean she feels the same way. She's different than you. Be understanding.

Never compare her to another woman. "You should wear your hair like so and so". "You should cook like Jane Doe". "I wish you'd dress nice like blankety blank". Be satisfied with who she is and with what you have. Lest she compare you to other men (and there's no way we guys want THAT). She knows you're a flawed man, but you're HER flawed man.

Don't make promises you can't keep. If you tell her you will be home from work at 5:00, by golly be home by 5:00 (barring traffic jams etc...). If you said you'd fix the exhaust fan in the bathroom... fix it. Don't let her sit around for weeks or months wondering if you forgot about it or just don't care if it ever gets fixed. Be true to your word. She needs to be able to count on what you say. She should never have to guess if you REALLY mean what you say.

Be chivalrous. Open the door for her even if she doesn't expect it from you. Protect her from everyone and everything. She needs to know you've got her back. If you hear a bump in the night, get up and investigate. Even if you are 99% sure there's nothing to worry about, get out of bed and check it out. This lets her know you put her safety (and the children's safety) first. She will rest better knowing all is well and there's nothing lurking in the dark.

That's enough for today. That gives you plenty to chew on and digest. More later.

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