Thursday, February 11, 2016

I didn't do it!

The following cartoon is about parents, children, and politicians, but it could equally apply to 4th graders in my classroom. I have been teaching for 26 years and I will never cease to be amazed at the behavior of some kids or the lengths they will go to in order to avoid consequences.

It is a very common occurrence in my classroom for me to see and/or hear a student do something and have them deny it directly to my face. During times that students are expected to be quiet, they will oftentimes talk. Talking in and of itself is not a big deal, but in a classroom where learning can be disrupted, it IS a big deal.

Here is a sample scenario. There is no embellishment or artistic license used here. It will flabbergast you, but I swear it’s the truth.

During a quiet time I see and hear Johnny talking with my own eyes and ears. No doubt. 100% sure and certain.

Me: Johnny, please stop talking.

Johnny: I wasn’t talking.

Me: Johnny, I hear you talking. Please stop. Others are trying to learn.

Johnny: It wasn’t me. I was not talking.

Me: Yes you were. I saw your lips moving and heard your voice.

Johnny: (speaking louder) It wasn’t ME! I was being quiet!

Me: Give me a break! I saw and heard you. Just say you’re sorry and move on!

Johnny: I’m not sorry because I wasn’t talking!

Me: How can you sit there and lie to my face? I saw and heard you!

Johnny: No you didn’t…

Well, you get the picture. This is just one scenario of hundreds that drive me crazy on a daily basis. Kids! Whaddya gonna do?

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