Monday, February 29, 2016

How to be a gentleman- Part 4

Be a good listener. Women need to vent. It's the way they're wired. They've been home with the kids all day or working at the office all day and sometimes they just need their husbands to listen. Men are wired to be problem solvers and the moment women begin to vent they want to spring to action and fix the problem(s). Sometimes women need to discuss their feelings. Let's face it guys... we're not exactly eager to open up and share our feelings. If women are open books, then men are hermetically sealed strong boxes. Those two things mix like oil and water. Sometimes guys have to suck it up and just listen. Don't interrupt. Don't question. Don't invalidate her feelings or ask, "Oh geez... what is it THIS time?". Just flippin' listen! Get off the phone. Get off the internet. Turn off the TV. Put down the sports page and just listen. Easy to say, but tough to do. Work at it fellas. She will appreciate it.

Don't be crude or rude. She's a lady and deserves to be treated like one. Reserve your potty humor for the guys' night out. You may know your woman is tough as nails, but underneath she is a delicate flower. Treat her with a gentle respect. She doesn't want to hear you burp or pass gas. Everybody does it. Just try to suppress it or leave her presence if you can. Your buddies may think it's funny when you let one rip, but I assure you a lady is not even remotely amused.

Don't talk bad about her... to anyone! You are her knight in shining armor. You are her protector and sometimes you may be the only one on her side. Don't make her feel like you're against her too. If you have a complaint or issue with her... take it to her and talk it out. If you are with your buddies and you say, "Dudes, my wife is such a nag! I wish she'd just get off my back!"... you better have a heart to heart with her. Complaining to your buddies will get you nowhere. And never, ever tolerate somebody else badmouthing your wife. Never nod in agreement or affirm their words. Stand up for her. She's YOUR lady. Let people know if they have something bad to say about her, they have to go through you first.

Never forget her birthday or your anniversary. She may tell you it's just another day, but I assure you it is not. Honestly, Tami has never been big into celebrating her birthday or our anniversary. But by no means does that mean I should let those days go by unmentioned. No siree! I always remember and I always wish her a happy birthday or happy anniversary. Fortunately for me these two events are less than two weeks apart. I almost get a two for one deal. Pretty easy to remember.

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