If you thought the story of my garage door spring was a long one, wait until you hear this. I have a feeling this will be the beginning of an even longer story...
I noticed last month that the cover on my pool seemed to be sinking lower and lower into the pool itself. This was an indicator that the water level in the pool was dropping. I was not initially concerned because the water level drops every winter. But this time is different... the water level is lower than it has ever been. A closer inspection revealed the area next to the pool to be a veritable swamp. There were literally puddles next to the pool. No doubt about it... the pool is definitely leaking and losing water at a fairly fast rate.
My first reaction was, "How in the world did my pool develop a leak in the winter?" It's been covered since early September and only started leaking last month. WHAT HAPPENED???? My next thought was, "What should I do?". The water in the pool is what supports the pool wall. Without the water, the pool wall is merely a thin layer of aluminum supported by plastic columns. In other words, without water there is no structural integrity to the pool. My conclusion? I MUST get water into the pool immediately. Thank goodness the weather over the next few days will be above freezing and I can safely use the hose without fear of a frozen pipe. As I type this, my garden hose is is SLOOOOOOOOWLY pumping water into the pool. I will have to repeat this until spring when I can remove the cover and look for the leak. Even then, locating the leak is going to be difficult. If I am fortunate, I'll find the leak. Then I need to determine if the leak is repairable or if a new liner will be needed. I hope to Goodness I find the leak and can repair it. Nevertheless, you can now see why this is going to be a very long story. I pray it works out well. But worst case scenario is replacing the vinyl liner (and even that is not so bad).
The photo below is our pool a few years ago. My main motivation for repairing the pool is having it ready for Sveta. She'll want to swim in Goppa's and Grandma's pool.
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