Michael had his orientation at NKU this week. It was a mandatory over-nighter. He did not particularly enjoy this orientation itself. He said it was a lot of silly ice breaker games. There were presentations on the dangers of underage drinking and drug use. The incoming freshmen were strongly encouraged to get involved in campus life. He chose his classes and now has a schedule typical of any college freshman. One interesting note: to fulfill his foreign language requirement, he chose to take elementary Russian. Too bad Sveta only speaks English now (her Russian is completely gone... AMAZING!)
Michael is very excited about college. I pray this excitement lasts. He was never a very enthusiastic high school student. However, college is very different from high school. I have every reason to believe he is going to enjoy college. Tami and I met at NKU, but this is NOT the same school we attended more than 20 years ago. The enrollment has tripled. There are buildings that didn't exist back then. There are all sorts of differences. Hopefully it still has that small school feel that I liked so much.
He did touch base with the Christian organization on campus (BCM). Not sure if that stands for Baptist Christian Ministries or Baptist Campus Ministries. He also found out there are a few kids from our church and a few from his former Christian elementary school going to NKU as well. It's nice knowing he won't be completely alone. One of those kids from our church lives on campus and offered to let Michael stay in his dorm if there's ever a bad snow storm.
A note for the future: Michael is thinking about living on campus. It's too late for this year, although there is a waiting list in case vacancies open up. If not this year, it's a possibility for next year. He's never home anyway... things wouldn't be much different if he lived on campus. I do know one thing though... if he moves into a dorm, his laundry will not magically get washed, dried and folded like it does here at home. I can't wait to see how that works out for him.

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