We are leaving for vacation in ten short days. Obviously we are getting very excited. I think everybody gets excited about their vacation as it draws near, but here's the part where you might call me weird. I enjoy the planning and preparation for the vacation almost as much as the trip itself.... ALMOST.
About a month before we leave we set up a card table in the living room. It's affectionately known as The Cruise Table. The cruise table is a collecting spot for all the little knick knacks we need for our trip. Throughout the month as we think of things to take, we put them on the table. Trip-Tic, fanny packs, batteries, medicines, sunscreen, lanyards, toiletries, alarm clock, passports, boarding passes etc... We also compile a master list. Turn off AC, Turn off water, stop mail, take this, take that. Don't forget this. Definitely don't forget that. You get the idea. I'm kind of obsessive when it's comes to planning and details. I DO NOT like surprises and I've been known to get my briefs in a bunch when my plans are disrupted. I absolutely cannot fly by the seat of pants or go with the flow. I'm not quite as bad as Clark W. Griswold in the Vacation movies, but you might say I'm "Clark-ish".
I also enjoy travel tips. This is another area where you are likely to think I'm some kind of weirdo. Here are a few (Mostly cruise related):
1) Have a pre-cruise meeting shortly before departure. Why? To hash out details of course. No surprises, remember? Besides, it's an excellent excuse to get together with everyone going and talk about all the fun times that are close at hand. Hawaiian shirts, drinks with umbrellas, calypso music and tropical decorations really add to the party atmosphere.
2) Plan, plan, plan and then plan some more. It sounds like a lot of work (and it is), but it's well worth it and complications are rare because of it.
3) Take an over-the-door shoe holder. it's sounds strange, but bear with me. Cabins on cruise ships are tiny and cramped. The shoe holder GREATLY reduces clutter. The little pockets hold all those small items that could easily be lost. Batteries, sunglasses, sunscreen, Sail & Sign card, camera, lanyards, pens, and anything else small. These items are easy to see and readily accessible when you want them. No hunting around. This is by far my #1 travel tip. It's awesome!
4)If it is financially feasible (and if your kids are old enough and trustworthy enough), get separate rooms. Four people in a cruise ship cabin is too tight and the privacy is an added bonus. And with no kids in the cabin it stays a lot cleaner. Are you getting the idea I like my cabin neat and tidy?
5) Don't buy anything while the ship is still docked in the U.S. If you do, you'll have to pay U.S. taxes. Wait until you're in international waters to avoid paying extra.
6) Be friendly to the crew. These are human beings with lives of their own and families of their own. They are not slaves or servants. Treat them with dignity and respect. You'll likely receive better and more friendly service. Talk to them. Ask them something about themselves or their home country. These people are away from home for months at a time. They already think americans are fat, selfish, luxury seeking people. Don't reinforce their views. In that same vein, if you make a connection with a particular crew member, consider giving them an extra cash tip. $20-$30 bucks may not seem like much to you, but to these people it goes a long way.
7) Be patient. Cruise ships carry nearly 4,000 passengers and 1,300 crew. You paid a lot of money for your vacation, but so did everybody else. Remember you are not the only passenger on the ship.
8) Be adventurous at dinner! Take the opportunity to order something you wouldn't normally order. You might like it! If you don't, simply send it away and order something else. You can't do THAT in a regular restaurant.
9) Take time to rest. All that sun and fun can take a toll on you. Relax, take a snooze and don't let yourself get cranky... you are on vacation for Goodness sake!
10) Be careful with your Sail & Sign card. It's easy to rack up a huge bill when everything is just a card swipe away. Check your tab every night (On your cabin TV). It's a good way to limit your spending and to check for mistakes.
11) If you really want to save money... stay out of the casino and limit your alcohol. I'm not saying you can't have a drink or two. Just understand it's easy to get caught up in the party atmosphere... and believe me, servers are constantly walking around with trays of brightly colored froo-froo drinks. Don't suffer buyer's remorse on vacation. It's a real downer.
12) If you are traveling with friends or family... Do whatever you want. Do not be pressured into doing something you don't want to do just because everybody else is doing it. Again, it's YOUR vacation.
13) It's a big ship. If you need a break from people, find a place away from all the action. Lots of people do this.
14) PACK LIGHT! Tami and I have been on three cruises and we have waaaaaay overpacked every time. This time we have vowed to fix that problem.
15) pack your bathing suit in your carry on bag. Sometimes you don't get your luggage until the evening of the first day.
16) Relax!
17) Do something nice for someone else. It's your vacation, but it's not always about you.
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