After today, only 4 days of school remain. My pathetic little countdown continues and time marches on! I finish with students next Thursday and have "Teacher Work Day" on Friday. And FYI... it really is a work day. Report cards are due, my classroom is cleaned and everything is stowed and covered for the summer. This year I have the added task of moving everything out of my old classroom and into my new one. After 23 years of teaching, I've accumulated quite a bit of stuff. It's going to be a happy day when I leave school one week from today. I will still be working two jobs this summer, but it's a different kind of work. I don't really mind it and the extra income helps a lot.
It's going to be a tough road getting there though. As we say in the education biz... the kids are done. They have checked out. I won't lie. By this time every year, the teachers have checked out too. The difference is, we still do our jobs. We don't just throw on the brakes and bring everything to a screeching halt the way the kids do. We'll work to the very end.
You know how things will go next week...
4... 3... 2... 1... SUMMER!
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Monopoly Problem (SOLVED!)
Raise your hand if you've ever played Monopoly. Yup, I thought so. Me too. Raise your hand again if you've ever declined to play Monopoly because it just takes TOO LONG! Yup, me too! Well guess what folks, we may have been suffering needlessly through long, tedious games of Monopoly our entire lives. Apparently there is an often overlooked, obscure rule that would tremendously speed up the game if followed. In other words, the creators of the game didn't intend for the game to last for hours on end. I'm not a patient person, so count me in! The rule in question states that if someone lands on a property and doesn't want to buy it, the property is is immediately up for auction top all other players. How many times have you circled the Monopoly board hoping to land on that property you needed to complete your color set? I know I have. We've been playing the game completely wrong! This changes everything.
I did not discover this rule on my own. I saw it on Here's a snippet of what I read:
Read more:
Unbelievable! Just when you think you know how to play a game!
Monopoly anyone?

I did not discover this rule on my own. I saw it on Here's a snippet of what I read:
If a player chooses not to buy a property after landing on it, instead of his or her turn ending, the property goes up for auction.
“If you do not wish to buy the property, the Banker sells it at auction to the highest bidder,” the Monopoly rules state. “The buyer pays the Bank the amount of the bid in cash and receives the Title Deed card for that property.”
Without observing the rule, Monopoly players can find themselves “suffering long action-free periods in which [they] endlessly circle the board in search of the streets they need to complete a set,”
Read more:
Unbelievable! Just when you think you know how to play a game!
Monopoly anyone?

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Beverly Hills
Yesterday marked a grim anniversary in the tri-state area. May 28, 1977 was the date of the Beverly Hills Supper Club fire. 36 years later this tragedy is still felt throughout our region. 165 people lost their lives in an inferno on a night that was supposed to be an elegant evening out for thousands of people.
Though I was only 10 years old, I remember that night vividly. We were at my Aunt Rita's house in Sharonville. My mom's side of the family had gotten together for a Memorial Day weekend party. It was a typical family party until the television was switched on to watch the live news coverage of the fire. I remember the horror expressed by the adults and how they all watched a place burn that they had all visited before. The adults stayed glued to the television until it was time to go home. I know the tragedy continued to unfold long after I was home and asleep in bed. Even though I was too young to fully grasp the gravity of what happened, I remember feeling scared (although I don't know exactly why) and I remember knowing that something terrible had truly happened.
That night obviously must have stuck in my mind. As a college student I read a few books about the tragedy and even did a research paper on the topic. As I grew into adulthood, the subject of this fire fascinated me more and more. The more I studied the fire and all the circumstances surrounding it, the more captivated I became. I won't bore you by regurgitating every little detail of what happened that night (I could probably type for hours), but I will tell you that this event never ceases to amaze me. Only the sinking of the Titanic surpasses my interest in an historical event. I think the Beverly Hills Supper Club fire is more personal to me though. It happened in my lifetime, I saw it happen on television and drove by the site of the tragedy every day on my way to NKU. I also have a close friend who grew up only a mile from where this all happened. He was 9 years old at the time. He said he remembers looking at the sky and seeing smoke and an orange glow. He also remembers laying in bed hearing sirens all night long. The whole thing creeped him out. I can only imagine what it must have been like for him that night.
If there's anything you want to know about this story... just ask me. I hope you don't think I'm morbid. I do not enjoy the fact that scores of people died. There are so many side stories, back stories and stories of true heroism around the entire event. However, this is one of those things you can probably file under "Things that interest only me".

Though I was only 10 years old, I remember that night vividly. We were at my Aunt Rita's house in Sharonville. My mom's side of the family had gotten together for a Memorial Day weekend party. It was a typical family party until the television was switched on to watch the live news coverage of the fire. I remember the horror expressed by the adults and how they all watched a place burn that they had all visited before. The adults stayed glued to the television until it was time to go home. I know the tragedy continued to unfold long after I was home and asleep in bed. Even though I was too young to fully grasp the gravity of what happened, I remember feeling scared (although I don't know exactly why) and I remember knowing that something terrible had truly happened.
That night obviously must have stuck in my mind. As a college student I read a few books about the tragedy and even did a research paper on the topic. As I grew into adulthood, the subject of this fire fascinated me more and more. The more I studied the fire and all the circumstances surrounding it, the more captivated I became. I won't bore you by regurgitating every little detail of what happened that night (I could probably type for hours), but I will tell you that this event never ceases to amaze me. Only the sinking of the Titanic surpasses my interest in an historical event. I think the Beverly Hills Supper Club fire is more personal to me though. It happened in my lifetime, I saw it happen on television and drove by the site of the tragedy every day on my way to NKU. I also have a close friend who grew up only a mile from where this all happened. He was 9 years old at the time. He said he remembers looking at the sky and seeing smoke and an orange glow. He also remembers laying in bed hearing sirens all night long. The whole thing creeped him out. I can only imagine what it must have been like for him that night.
If there's anything you want to know about this story... just ask me. I hope you don't think I'm morbid. I do not enjoy the fact that scores of people died. There are so many side stories, back stories and stories of true heroism around the entire event. However, this is one of those things you can probably file under "Things that interest only me".

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The rabbit died
The rabbit died. No, Tami is NOT pregnant (heaven forbid!). The rabbit literally died! Here's the story: Last week a student asked if she could bring her baby bunny in for show and tell. I reluctantly agreed because the slightest deviation from normal classroom procedures is enough to cause an uproar in my classroom. Well..... Today the student walked into my classroom carrying a baby bunny in a cage. I was a bit surprised to see it was a wild rabbit and not a domesticated one. I also noticed this baby bunny seemed awfully small. I asked the student to put the cage behind my desk. My students were heading directly to Art class and there was no time for show and tell until later in the day. While my students were in Art class, I was sitting at my desk grading papers. I don't know what caused me to check on the bunny, but I did. I noticed it wasn't moving. I thought maybe the pitiful little thing was sleeping. A closer look revealed this bunny laying on its side with its eyes open. Still the bunny was motionless. I reached into the cage and gave the bunny a gentle poke. Still no movement. I couldn't believe it. 20 minutes ago this girl carried a live bunny into my classroom (and before you think it was dead when she carried it in... I know it was alive... I saw it with my own eyes) and now it was dead. OH GREAT! This is just how I wanted to start my week. Well, I marched down to the art room to get the little girl who brought the bunny. As delicately as I could, I told her the bunny had died. She puffed out her lower lip and started to whimper. She asked what I had done to it. I assured her I hadn't done anything to her bunny and told her sometimes animals die. I was as gentle and compassionate as I knew how. She wasn't consoled by my words and just stood looking at the lifeless body in the cage as a few tears trickled down her face. Lord, why didn't she just rip my heart right out of my chest! The whole time I kept thinking this was my own fault for going against my better judgement and allowing her to bring the bunny into school in the first place. In reality, I think the poor little thing was taken away from its mother too quickly. It was meant to be in the wild with her, not in a child's cage as a pet.
So as I sit typing this, there is a dead bunny in a cage behind my desk chair. It will stay there for the rest of the day. Teaching is always an adventure. There's always something new happening and I've learned to expect the unexpected.
How many more days until summer vacation? 7 and a half, but who's counting?
So as I sit typing this, there is a dead bunny in a cage behind my desk chair. It will stay there for the rest of the day. Teaching is always an adventure. There's always something new happening and I've learned to expect the unexpected.
How many more days until summer vacation? 7 and a half, but who's counting?
Monday, May 27, 2013
Memorial Day
Today is Memorial Day. The unofficial beginning of summer. Across this great nation people will be grilling burgers and dogs, swimming in their pools, playing cornhole, going to the park, going fishing or enjoying any number of the thousands of activities Americans do in warm weather. All that stuff is great. I enjoy popping a cold one, grilling out and soaking up the sun just as much as the next guy, but today I want to make sure I reflect and remember why I'm able to do these things. It's because brave veterans before me have fought to preserve these often taken for granted freedoms. The brave folks, some no more than kids, gave their lives for our country. Not all of them died. There is a well known saying about veterans (I have no idea who said it or where it originated). "All gave some. Some gave all." It really does say everything you need to know. Today I thank God for these people who served (or are serving) in our nation's armed forces. God has blessed the United States of America for well over two hundred years, and I pray for His continued blessing. Enjoy your Memorial Day folks, but please don't forget the true meaning behind this national holiday. God Bless America!
P.S. Tami saw this post from Michael on his FaceBook page. I just felt like I needed to share it because it shows that my son "Gets it". I am so proud of him!
I don't particularly want to work tomorrow. But you know what, men and women died to give me the freedom to pick what job I please. And they gave me the freedom to work for a living. What blessings those are! I am writing this status from the comfort of my middle class American home, not having to worry that the government will drag me out in the middle of the night for my religious beliefs. So, why complain about work? I am a blessed man indeed. I love being an American, and I am thankful for it!

P.S. Tami saw this post from Michael on his FaceBook page. I just felt like I needed to share it because it shows that my son "Gets it". I am so proud of him!
I don't particularly want to work tomorrow. But you know what, men and women died to give me the freedom to pick what job I please. And they gave me the freedom to work for a living. What blessings those are! I am writing this status from the comfort of my middle class American home, not having to worry that the government will drag me out in the middle of the night for my religious beliefs. So, why complain about work? I am a blessed man indeed. I love being an American, and I am thankful for it!

Sunday, May 26, 2013
Our church and its veterans
Tomorrow is Memorial Day (Decoration Day if you're old enough to call it that). As my family always does, we attended Sunday School and the morning worship service today. I love so many things about our church, but one thing in particular is the way it recognizes veterans, celebrates patriotism and acknowledges God's continued blessing on the United States of America. It is so wonderful to hear all of this from the pulpit knowing our church does not shy away from such things. We even sang a hymn (the title escapes me), but the lyrics sang of God protecting our soldiers on land, in the air and at sea. It was just beautiful. How many churches today do that? I'm guessing not very many. I always make it a point to thank veterans, but today I was a man possessed in seeking out every veteran I could find. I shook their hand heartily while looking them in the eye and thanked them for their service to our nation. In this age of political correctness, it is so refreshing to be a part of a church that boldly embraces the ways of the past and doesn't worry about offending someone in the recognition of veterans and Memorial Day. It's because of these brave men and women that we enjoy the freedoms we have today.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
First Dip
Friday evening Michael came over for dinner. We had a nice visit and were able to catch up with what is going on in his life. Before he left, Michael (along with Abby) took the first dip of the season in the pool. Tami offered them $30 apiece to jump in the frigid water. Before you think we're crazy for paying our kids $60 to jump in the pool, the truth is, Tami was looking for an excuse to float the kids a few bucks (no pun intended). The pool jump was just a fun ruse. It seemed like a better idea than just handing the kids some money. It was also a good excuse to put the rubber mat under the pool ladder (it protects the liner). You have to get in the water to put it in place and there is nooooooooo way I was going to do it. It was a fun way to end an already good evening.
Thinking about it. That water is COLD!


On your mark...

Get set...



All wet!

Thinking about it. That water is COLD!


On your mark...

Get set...



All wet!

Friday, May 24, 2013
She laughed, but then...
Tami read my post yesterday and howled with laughter. She said I am sooooooo predictable. I don't deny it. I am a shallow, simple and quiet man. This blog has always been about what's on my mind at any given time. As my wife so accurately pointed out, my blog posts can generally be classified into a few simple categories: Family life, yard work, the pool, the Reds, my job and Sveta. I've always said if you're looking for deep, thought provoking topics, you're not going to find them in this corner of the blogosphere.
She found my complaints of losing the battle to the thousands of locust blossoms clogging my pool filter very entertaining. The more I scoop them out of the pool, clean them out of the skimmer basket and sweep them off the deck, the faster and more numerous they fall. It's a futile effort and downright exasperating. She continued laughing until I presented the following scenario: I told her the next time she vacuumed the carpets and swept and mopped the kitchen floor, I was going to follow behind her sprinkling flour over everything she had just cleaned. I would then smile knowingly as she again cleaned the carpets and floor she had cleaned only minutes before. After re-cleaning everything I would again follow and sprinkle flour over everything she had just cleaned for the second time. Time and time again I would sprinkle flour on everything she had just cleaned. At that time I think she got the picture. I told her every time she cleaned, it would all seem for naught. I think she began to realize how I felt about working so hard to keep the pool clean only to have it wrecked a little while later.
We had a good laugh over the whole thing. It was all good natured conversation.
Tami also said I should broaden my blog topics to draw in more female readers. Next week I will be posting my favorite recipes and cleaning tips. I will post where the best sales are at the mall. I will offer hair and make up tips as well as my favorite method of keeping my skin moisturized. Nah, just kidding. I think I'll stick with grandchildren, yard work and the Reds. It's who I am.
She found my complaints of losing the battle to the thousands of locust blossoms clogging my pool filter very entertaining. The more I scoop them out of the pool, clean them out of the skimmer basket and sweep them off the deck, the faster and more numerous they fall. It's a futile effort and downright exasperating. She continued laughing until I presented the following scenario: I told her the next time she vacuumed the carpets and swept and mopped the kitchen floor, I was going to follow behind her sprinkling flour over everything she had just cleaned. I would then smile knowingly as she again cleaned the carpets and floor she had cleaned only minutes before. After re-cleaning everything I would again follow and sprinkle flour over everything she had just cleaned for the second time. Time and time again I would sprinkle flour on everything she had just cleaned. At that time I think she got the picture. I told her every time she cleaned, it would all seem for naught. I think she began to realize how I felt about working so hard to keep the pool clean only to have it wrecked a little while later.
We had a good laugh over the whole thing. It was all good natured conversation.
Tami also said I should broaden my blog topics to draw in more female readers. Next week I will be posting my favorite recipes and cleaning tips. I will post where the best sales are at the mall. I will offer hair and make up tips as well as my favorite method of keeping my skin moisturized. Nah, just kidding. I think I'll stick with grandchildren, yard work and the Reds. It's who I am.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
The Dreaded Locusts
Ugh! The dreaded locusts! No, not the kind that plagued Pharaoh in Exodus, but the trees. I have four honey locust trees in my yard and I DESPISE them with every fiber of my being. They are the bane of my very existence! For starters, these trees are covered in thorns. These thorns can get up to 6-8 inches long and are just like nails. They puncture my riding mower tires rendering it useless most of the time due to flat tires. It's a real pain getting the tires off and getting them plugged and patched. These wretched trees are also constantly dumping debris in my swimming pool and on my deck. All trees are "dirty", but it seems locust trees drop more crud than an average tree. This time of year is particularly troublesome. Locust trees drop tiny buds by the thousands. They are about half the size of a kernel of popcorn. For about a week each year it truly looks like it's snowing in my back yard. These buds clog and choke my pool skimmer for a week every May. I can't even run it while I'm at work. I don't like turning it off, but I have to. Yesterday when I returned home from work I turned the filter/pump on and starting scooping locust buds off the surface of the pool. Within ten minutes the skimmer basket was full and my pump was starving to get any water at all. This is bad because pool filters and pumps NEED water to operate. I repeated this process three times before I finally got most of the buds out of the water. I will probably be doing the same thing for the whole weekend. Sometime early next week all the buds will have fallen and I won't have to deal with them for another year.
If I had three wishes, my first one would be to remove the tree closest to my pool. My second wish would be to remove the tree next closest to my pool. My third wish would be to remove the tree third closest to my pool. In all seriousness, I would love to get rid of these nasty old trees, but they are MUCH too large to take down myself. Having them removed by a tree service is really expensive and not in the budget right now. For the time being I will continue to scoop these buds out of the pool manually. Oh the joys of owning a pool!
These are not my trees, but you get the idea.

If I had three wishes, my first one would be to remove the tree closest to my pool. My second wish would be to remove the tree next closest to my pool. My third wish would be to remove the tree third closest to my pool. In all seriousness, I would love to get rid of these nasty old trees, but they are MUCH too large to take down myself. Having them removed by a tree service is really expensive and not in the budget right now. For the time being I will continue to scoop these buds out of the pool manually. Oh the joys of owning a pool!
These are not my trees, but you get the idea.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Just in time!
Just in time for Memorial Day weekend, the pool at the Meyer resort is open. After much weeping and gnashing of teeth (actually it was just getting the new pump connected and LOTS of cleaning), the pool is ready for the season. I'm not saying the water is warm enough for us thin-blooded old folks to take a dip, but the kids probably won't mind the chilly water temperatures.
We are looking forward to our 9th season with our humble little pool. It's just an above ground, run-of-the-mill pool. 24 feet in diameter and roughly 4 feet deep. Nothing fancy, but it will keep you cool on a sweltering summer day.
Last one in is a rotten egg!
We are looking forward to our 9th season with our humble little pool. It's just an above ground, run-of-the-mill pool. 24 feet in diameter and roughly 4 feet deep. Nothing fancy, but it will keep you cool on a sweltering summer day.
Last one in is a rotten egg!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Everything is CHANGING! Ugh!
As expected, my teaching assignment for next year is changing. The official word came down yesterday. For the last ten years I have taught Social Studies to 4th, 5th and 6th graders (2 classes each). Next year I will be teaching 6th grade only. I will be teaching two sections each of Reading, Language Arts (English) and Social Studies. The changes don't stop there either. I will be changing classrooms and getting a new teaching partner (somebody I don't know at all!). This is a lot of change for a guy who gets in a tizzy with the slightest change in any aspect of my life. I guess you could say I'm not doing too well. I need time to think through all this and process all the changes that are in my future.
I will be spending a considerable part of my summer preparing to teach new subjects. I taught this stuff ten years ago, but so much has changed since then. I seriously doubt any part of it remains intact. I will also be spending a great deal of time moving my classroom. This is no easy endeavor. Bookcases, desks, shelving units, file cabinets, tables, books, supplies, etc.... You name it and I have to move it. Then once it's moved I have to set up my new classroom. This can take many days. Moving a classroom may not seem like a big deal. Let me assure you... It IS a big deal.
Considering all that I described above, the fact that I will be working an extra job and I will probably be taking a class... my summer is pretty much full. There won't be much time for fun and sun this year. Remember my post about teachers getting three months off? Here's more proof positive it's a myth. Please understand I am not complaining. Even with all the extra work that I face this summer, I still get plenty of time off throughout the school year. I am mostly lamenting the wholesale changes to my work life.
I am also losing a really good friend. A member of our teaching team is being transferred to another building. The entire staff in my building has good rapport. We are more like an extended family than co-workers. It's painful to lose somebody. It's not as if we won't welcome the new member of our faculty. We will (as we always are) be very gracious in welcoming a new member to our team.
As you can tell, this is all very difficult for me. I will make it through and I will be fine. As I promised, I will accept what God has given me and will trust He is doing what is best for me. I trust in Him alone. Sole Deo Gloria (To God alone be the glory).
I will be spending a considerable part of my summer preparing to teach new subjects. I taught this stuff ten years ago, but so much has changed since then. I seriously doubt any part of it remains intact. I will also be spending a great deal of time moving my classroom. This is no easy endeavor. Bookcases, desks, shelving units, file cabinets, tables, books, supplies, etc.... You name it and I have to move it. Then once it's moved I have to set up my new classroom. This can take many days. Moving a classroom may not seem like a big deal. Let me assure you... It IS a big deal.
Considering all that I described above, the fact that I will be working an extra job and I will probably be taking a class... my summer is pretty much full. There won't be much time for fun and sun this year. Remember my post about teachers getting three months off? Here's more proof positive it's a myth. Please understand I am not complaining. Even with all the extra work that I face this summer, I still get plenty of time off throughout the school year. I am mostly lamenting the wholesale changes to my work life.
I am also losing a really good friend. A member of our teaching team is being transferred to another building. The entire staff in my building has good rapport. We are more like an extended family than co-workers. It's painful to lose somebody. It's not as if we won't welcome the new member of our faculty. We will (as we always are) be very gracious in welcoming a new member to our team.
As you can tell, this is all very difficult for me. I will make it through and I will be fine. As I promised, I will accept what God has given me and will trust He is doing what is best for me. I trust in Him alone. Sole Deo Gloria (To God alone be the glory).
Monday, May 20, 2013
Signs of Summer
I can't hide it. This time of year brings about a restlessness in me like no other. Most teachers would probably tell you the same thing. As the school year winds down (and as my students wind up), I start counting the days until summer vacation. It's true I will be working a second job and taking a class this summer, (So I won't have total freedom), but it still means there's a break in my near future. I will have time to accomplish some things I don't normally have time for during the school year. It's funny. This time of year friends and family alike ask me the same question. "soooooo.... how many days left?". They smile and I smile because we are both aware I know the exact number of days remaining until summer break. If you were to ask me at this moment, my answer would be, "12 and a half, but who's counting?" Ha!
As Memorial Day approaches, there are some sure fire signs that summer is coming fast.
* Most mornings you'll find me on the deck with my Bible and some coffee.
* A trip into my classroom reveals a summer countdown for all to see.
* A peek at my calendar reveals a summer countdown that started in early April.
* The cover is off the pool.
* Lawn furniture is on the deck and ready for action!
* Earthboxes are planted and tomatoes are growing on the deck.
* The kitchen is put on mothballs and the grill is used for dinner every night.
* My metal detector is dusted off and ready for a summer of treasure hunting.
* My yard looks the way it is supposed to.
* There's a good chance you'll find me listening to the Reds on radio
* I'm outside more often than not.
* My classroom feels like a sauna. They say our school is air conditioned... um, it only works when you turn it on. Cost saving measures... UGH!
* Michael calls and asks if we have an extra fan. Funny how he complained that we didn't keep the house cool enough. Now that he's paying his own utility bill, he refuses to use his AC. Perspective!
*When my students come in from recess, their B.O. permeates the whole room. YUCK!
* Thunderstorms become an almost daily threat. I like storms :-)
* Most nights end up with a trip to the creamy whip.
As Memorial Day approaches, there are some sure fire signs that summer is coming fast.
* Most mornings you'll find me on the deck with my Bible and some coffee.
* A trip into my classroom reveals a summer countdown for all to see.
* A peek at my calendar reveals a summer countdown that started in early April.
* The cover is off the pool.
* Lawn furniture is on the deck and ready for action!
* Earthboxes are planted and tomatoes are growing on the deck.
* The kitchen is put on mothballs and the grill is used for dinner every night.
* My metal detector is dusted off and ready for a summer of treasure hunting.
* My yard looks the way it is supposed to.
* There's a good chance you'll find me listening to the Reds on radio
* I'm outside more often than not.
* My classroom feels like a sauna. They say our school is air conditioned... um, it only works when you turn it on. Cost saving measures... UGH!
* Michael calls and asks if we have an extra fan. Funny how he complained that we didn't keep the house cool enough. Now that he's paying his own utility bill, he refuses to use his AC. Perspective!
*When my students come in from recess, their B.O. permeates the whole room. YUCK!
* Thunderstorms become an almost daily threat. I like storms :-)
* Most nights end up with a trip to the creamy whip.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
The Mouse Dance
We went to Sveta's ballet recital today. She was on stage for all of about 45 seconds. No kidding, folks... Sveta's part in this 90 minute show was less than a minute. BUT! We wouldn't have missed it for anything. It was well worth the afternoon we spent watching children prance all over the stage. There were a few highlights...
* For the curtain call, when the entire cast was called onto the stage, guess who led the charge? You guessed it! My granddaughter was the first to bust onto the stage to receive her flowers.
* When posing for family photos, Sveta was fascinated by my necktie. I'm not sure why, I'm sure her daddy wears them on occasion
* In the lobby after the show, Sveta presented her teacher with some flowers. This teacher is a senior in high school and is in charge of teaching classes for the little ones. After presenting the flowers, the teacher gave Sveta a hug. Instead of saying thank you or something complimentary, Sveta flatly stated, "You're very sweaty!". It was hilarious! The girl had performed on the hot stage a lot and was indeed sweaty. Out of the mouths of babes!
It was a fun day and I'm sure she will be performing in a lot of recitals. I can't wait!

* For the curtain call, when the entire cast was called onto the stage, guess who led the charge? You guessed it! My granddaughter was the first to bust onto the stage to receive her flowers.
* When posing for family photos, Sveta was fascinated by my necktie. I'm not sure why, I'm sure her daddy wears them on occasion
* In the lobby after the show, Sveta presented her teacher with some flowers. This teacher is a senior in high school and is in charge of teaching classes for the little ones. After presenting the flowers, the teacher gave Sveta a hug. Instead of saying thank you or something complimentary, Sveta flatly stated, "You're very sweaty!". It was hilarious! The girl had performed on the hot stage a lot and was indeed sweaty. Out of the mouths of babes!
It was a fun day and I'm sure she will be performing in a lot of recitals. I can't wait!

Saturday, May 18, 2013
When it rains...
When it rains, it pours. It seems like things can be going along so smoothly and then everything goes wrong at once. In the span of 3 days almost everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.
*The wind ripped my gazebo top to shreds
*My cell phone got wet and now it doesn't work
*I dinged up my father-in-law's newly repaired van (long story, don't ask)
*After hooking up my pool pump, I turned it on to find the motor has seized up
*I'm relatively certain my teaching assignment is going to change (I find out Monday)
Yeah, it's been a rough couple of days, but things could be so much worse. My family is happy and healthy and I am blessed beyond my comprehension. God is sovereign. The lamb is on the throne.
*The wind ripped my gazebo top to shreds
*My cell phone got wet and now it doesn't work
*I dinged up my father-in-law's newly repaired van (long story, don't ask)
*After hooking up my pool pump, I turned it on to find the motor has seized up
*I'm relatively certain my teaching assignment is going to change (I find out Monday)
Yeah, it's been a rough couple of days, but things could be so much worse. My family is happy and healthy and I am blessed beyond my comprehension. God is sovereign. The lamb is on the throne.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Are we having fun yet?
Are we having fun yet? I think if you ask the Reds, the answer is a resounding "YES!". I have no idea what is going on in this photo, but it was taken at last night's game. Things have been going well for the Reds lately and this photo clearly shows it. Phillips, Choo and Votto cutting up in the dugout. I'm guessing it doesn't get any better for these guys. This is why I enjoy baseball! Men playing a boys game for a boatload of money. America! Gotta love it!

Thursday, May 16, 2013
Summer is nigh
Can you see it? Can you hear it? Can you smell it? Can you taste it? Can you feel it? I sure can! Summer is nigh!
One sure sign of summer is about to appear at the Meyer Resort. In the next few days water will be pumped into the pool to bring it to its summer level. The cover will be taken off, the filter and pump will be connected and turned on. Chemicals will be added and the pool will be open for the season. This is always a momentous event for our family. After looking at that ugly pool cover for seven months, it's a beautiful sight to see the pool in all its glory again. It's simply a sign of happier days to come. Grill outs, pool parties, and lazy days lounging on the deck.
A note to all family members and friends... You ALL have an open invitation to our pool. Whether we are home or not, it makes no difference. Just give us a call to let us know you are coming. I'll try to make sure everything is clean and ready for a day of splashing, sun and fun.
One sure sign of summer is about to appear at the Meyer Resort. In the next few days water will be pumped into the pool to bring it to its summer level. The cover will be taken off, the filter and pump will be connected and turned on. Chemicals will be added and the pool will be open for the season. This is always a momentous event for our family. After looking at that ugly pool cover for seven months, it's a beautiful sight to see the pool in all its glory again. It's simply a sign of happier days to come. Grill outs, pool parties, and lazy days lounging on the deck.
A note to all family members and friends... You ALL have an open invitation to our pool. Whether we are home or not, it makes no difference. Just give us a call to let us know you are coming. I'll try to make sure everything is clean and ready for a day of splashing, sun and fun.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
I Love Change!
I love change! If you know me at all, you know that statement is pure sarcasm. In reality I am a true creature of habit. I never want anything to change... EVER! I always have to sit in the same seat at my school lunch table or the same pew at church. I have a weekly routine that I don't like to deviate from. There are thousands of things in my life that I work very hard to keep the same. I try like crazy to avoid any and all change. That pretty much sums up my entire life. But here's the funny thing... when change is forced on me, I sometimes end up really liking it. Tami is good about change. She knows how much I despise it, and really knows how to gently coax me into change. I am usually resistant to the change, but Tami knows how to get me just far enough outside my comfort zone without pushing me too far or driving me crazy.
Speaking of change, there is change in my near future at school. We are getting a new principal. I have worked for the current principal for about 19 years. I am very comfortable working for him and I'm accustomed to everything about him. Next year we get somebody new. I have no idea what the new principal will be like, but true to my character I am not looking forward to the change. However, if history is any indicator I will probably end up liking the new principal just fine. He deserves a chance and he'll get it from me. There is also more change likely in my future. There is a strong possibility I will be given a new teaching assignment next year. A new grade level, subject area and classroom are not out of the question. Less likely, but still possible is an assignment in a different building. All of this scares the living daylights out of me. Consider I have taught Social Studies at the same grade levels and in the same classroom for the last 13 years. Think I might be kind of set in my ways? Yeah, I am.
Knowing I do not like change, I have been praying. You might think my prayer has been to stay exactly where I am, doing what I've always done. In short, praying for no change. That's not the case at all. My prayer has been to acknowledge that God knows what is best for me more than I know what is best for me. My prayer has been to accept whatever God has for me. Not my will, but Your will be done, Lord. If my teaching assignment changes it's because this is God's will for me. I pray for the faith to trust in the Lord. I am weak, but with God all things are possible. Even Mick Meyer graciously accepting change in his life.
Speaking of change, there is change in my near future at school. We are getting a new principal. I have worked for the current principal for about 19 years. I am very comfortable working for him and I'm accustomed to everything about him. Next year we get somebody new. I have no idea what the new principal will be like, but true to my character I am not looking forward to the change. However, if history is any indicator I will probably end up liking the new principal just fine. He deserves a chance and he'll get it from me. There is also more change likely in my future. There is a strong possibility I will be given a new teaching assignment next year. A new grade level, subject area and classroom are not out of the question. Less likely, but still possible is an assignment in a different building. All of this scares the living daylights out of me. Consider I have taught Social Studies at the same grade levels and in the same classroom for the last 13 years. Think I might be kind of set in my ways? Yeah, I am.
Knowing I do not like change, I have been praying. You might think my prayer has been to stay exactly where I am, doing what I've always done. In short, praying for no change. That's not the case at all. My prayer has been to acknowledge that God knows what is best for me more than I know what is best for me. My prayer has been to accept whatever God has for me. Not my will, but Your will be done, Lord. If my teaching assignment changes it's because this is God's will for me. I pray for the faith to trust in the Lord. I am weak, but with God all things are possible. Even Mick Meyer graciously accepting change in his life.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Myth Busters
I'm guessing most of you are familiar with the television show Myth Busters. Common myths are confirmed or busted based on scientific experiments.
Welcome to Myth Busters Teacher Edition. There won't be any scientific experiments or any real proof for that matter. I want to confirm or bust some myths commonly held about teachers. Please keep in mind this is all from my own 23 years of experience and may not reflect the experience of all teachers. This post is purely subjective. It is also meant to be done in fun... not to gripe or lament my career choice.
Myth- Teachers get three full months of summer vacation (June, July and August).
Reality- Although I can't speak to all school schedules, my school dismisses after the first week of June and resumes in mid-August. For starters, that's actually closer to two months. You must also consider I go into my classroom at the beginning of August to get my classroom ready. I will also be taking a weeklong class this summer. This translates into a 6 week summer, which is still a great vacation, but it's far from the perceived 3 month vacation. Yeah, I know we get Christmas and Spring Breaks. I'm not complaining about time off, just debunking the 3 months off myth.
Myth- Teachers are Lazy.
Reality- Just as it is in any profession, there are bad apples, but you can't judge all teachers based on a few bad ones. Just like a few bad cops or doctors doesn't make all cops and doctors bad. I think many people picture teachers sitting with their feet on their desk, drinking coffee and reading the paper. Nobody I have ever worked with has done this. Most teachers are tremendously dedicated and work very hard. I've definitely worked with a few teachers who weren't hard workers. Everybody knew who they were and they weren't respected colleagues.
Myth- Teachers are highly paid babysitters.
Reality- In truth, sometimes it feels like it. However, teachers have a noble job to do and we do it. We are on the front lines and in the trenches every day. We work hard every day to deliver the curriculum to all students and to educate them as best we can.
Myth- Those who can... do. Those who can't... teach.
Reality- This one is hurtful. The implication that teachers are the castoffs who couldn't get a real education or do a real job is a slap in the face. I'd like to think the work I'm doing is worthwhile and having a positive effect on my students. I have no doubt I could have chosen another career path and been successful in it.
Myth- Teachers are in it for themselves.
Reality- There's no doubt I've worked with some selfish people. Who hasn't? But the idea that teachers are teaching for selfish motives or are in it to get rich is generally incorrect. Most teachers aren't teaching for the paycheck or prestige. They do it because they want to and they want to make a difference.
Myth- The last few weeks of school is nothing but one big party.
Reality- Nothing could be farther from the truth. The idea that I spend the last month of school having picnics, playing kickball, showing movies and playing games in the classroom is preposterous. Those things are stressful for teachers. The fact is, the more structured things are and the more we can stay in our routine, the better things are. Unless I'm required to have my students participate in an unstructured activity, I'm going to be teaching material in my classroom.
Myth- Teachers only work 7 hours per day.
Reality- Oh boy, where do I start? It's true students are in my classroom approximately 7 hours a day. My work day does not begin or end with the student day. There is much work done before students arrive and long after they leave. There are lots of things that can't be done while students are in the room. Obviously I can't grade papers, enter report cards or any other record keeping while I'm teaching. What most folks don't consider is the endless meetings teachers attend, parent phone calls that need to be made, paperwork that seems infinite and papers that are graded on our own time. The 7 hour work day is only the tip of the iceberg. I also understand this is the case for lots of jobs... not just teachers.
Myth- Teachers enjoy punishing kids
Reality- Are you serious? Giving consequences for behavior issues is tons more work and a lot more stressful. I'm happiest when my classroom is running smoothly, I'm teaching, kids are learning and I'm not imposing consequences.
Myth- Teachers have "Favorite" students. (known as teachers' pets in the old days).
Reality- Yes, it's true. We have our favorite students. We're human beings prone to human nature. Although most teachers (myself included) work really hard not to show favoritism. I'm guilty of having a soft spot in my heart for that extra needy kid who never thinks of himself or that really nice kid who always works hard and puts forth 100% effort. I always adhere to the "if you're nice to me, I'm nice to you" rule, but I try not to show favoritism.
Myth- Parents support teachers when their little angel acts up in class.
Reality- It's usually quite the opposite. More often than not parents believe their child's side of the story (even when it's a flat out lie) and peg me as the bad guy. Many times parents will sound like they're supporting me, but will side with their child when the chips are down.
Myth- Teachers LOVE assigning homework
Reality- Yeah, I've worked with some homework happy teachers throughout the years, but most aren't that way. Assigning lots of homework makes for large amounts of extra work for me. Homework has its place in education, but I don't generally assign loads of it. The fact is, I enjoy my down time in the evening and I'm sure my students do too. Some homework? Okay. Massive amounts? No thank you.
I've heard it said that everyone thinks they're an expert in education because everyone has been to school. I think there's truth in that (no matter how incorrect it is). I'm no expert in dentistry even though I've been to the dentist dozens of times. I've gone to church all my life, but that by no means makes me a preacher.
Folks, the bottom line is this... Teachers are human. There are good ones and there are bad ones. More good than bad. Teachers make mistakes. Some readily admit those mistakes others stubbornly deny them. Some teachers are humble, some are proud and arrogant. In general I think you'll find teachers are good people. Maybe sometime I can make a blog post giving you an inside look at the teachers lounge. Now THAT will show you what teachers are all about and it will be quite entertaining.
Welcome to Myth Busters Teacher Edition. There won't be any scientific experiments or any real proof for that matter. I want to confirm or bust some myths commonly held about teachers. Please keep in mind this is all from my own 23 years of experience and may not reflect the experience of all teachers. This post is purely subjective. It is also meant to be done in fun... not to gripe or lament my career choice.
Myth- Teachers get three full months of summer vacation (June, July and August).
Reality- Although I can't speak to all school schedules, my school dismisses after the first week of June and resumes in mid-August. For starters, that's actually closer to two months. You must also consider I go into my classroom at the beginning of August to get my classroom ready. I will also be taking a weeklong class this summer. This translates into a 6 week summer, which is still a great vacation, but it's far from the perceived 3 month vacation. Yeah, I know we get Christmas and Spring Breaks. I'm not complaining about time off, just debunking the 3 months off myth.
Myth- Teachers are Lazy.
Reality- Just as it is in any profession, there are bad apples, but you can't judge all teachers based on a few bad ones. Just like a few bad cops or doctors doesn't make all cops and doctors bad. I think many people picture teachers sitting with their feet on their desk, drinking coffee and reading the paper. Nobody I have ever worked with has done this. Most teachers are tremendously dedicated and work very hard. I've definitely worked with a few teachers who weren't hard workers. Everybody knew who they were and they weren't respected colleagues.
Myth- Teachers are highly paid babysitters.
Reality- In truth, sometimes it feels like it. However, teachers have a noble job to do and we do it. We are on the front lines and in the trenches every day. We work hard every day to deliver the curriculum to all students and to educate them as best we can.
Myth- Those who can... do. Those who can't... teach.
Reality- This one is hurtful. The implication that teachers are the castoffs who couldn't get a real education or do a real job is a slap in the face. I'd like to think the work I'm doing is worthwhile and having a positive effect on my students. I have no doubt I could have chosen another career path and been successful in it.
Myth- Teachers are in it for themselves.
Reality- There's no doubt I've worked with some selfish people. Who hasn't? But the idea that teachers are teaching for selfish motives or are in it to get rich is generally incorrect. Most teachers aren't teaching for the paycheck or prestige. They do it because they want to and they want to make a difference.
Myth- The last few weeks of school is nothing but one big party.
Reality- Nothing could be farther from the truth. The idea that I spend the last month of school having picnics, playing kickball, showing movies and playing games in the classroom is preposterous. Those things are stressful for teachers. The fact is, the more structured things are and the more we can stay in our routine, the better things are. Unless I'm required to have my students participate in an unstructured activity, I'm going to be teaching material in my classroom.
Myth- Teachers only work 7 hours per day.
Reality- Oh boy, where do I start? It's true students are in my classroom approximately 7 hours a day. My work day does not begin or end with the student day. There is much work done before students arrive and long after they leave. There are lots of things that can't be done while students are in the room. Obviously I can't grade papers, enter report cards or any other record keeping while I'm teaching. What most folks don't consider is the endless meetings teachers attend, parent phone calls that need to be made, paperwork that seems infinite and papers that are graded on our own time. The 7 hour work day is only the tip of the iceberg. I also understand this is the case for lots of jobs... not just teachers.
Myth- Teachers enjoy punishing kids
Reality- Are you serious? Giving consequences for behavior issues is tons more work and a lot more stressful. I'm happiest when my classroom is running smoothly, I'm teaching, kids are learning and I'm not imposing consequences.
Myth- Teachers have "Favorite" students. (known as teachers' pets in the old days).
Reality- Yes, it's true. We have our favorite students. We're human beings prone to human nature. Although most teachers (myself included) work really hard not to show favoritism. I'm guilty of having a soft spot in my heart for that extra needy kid who never thinks of himself or that really nice kid who always works hard and puts forth 100% effort. I always adhere to the "if you're nice to me, I'm nice to you" rule, but I try not to show favoritism.
Myth- Parents support teachers when their little angel acts up in class.
Reality- It's usually quite the opposite. More often than not parents believe their child's side of the story (even when it's a flat out lie) and peg me as the bad guy. Many times parents will sound like they're supporting me, but will side with their child when the chips are down.
Myth- Teachers LOVE assigning homework
Reality- Yeah, I've worked with some homework happy teachers throughout the years, but most aren't that way. Assigning lots of homework makes for large amounts of extra work for me. Homework has its place in education, but I don't generally assign loads of it. The fact is, I enjoy my down time in the evening and I'm sure my students do too. Some homework? Okay. Massive amounts? No thank you.
I've heard it said that everyone thinks they're an expert in education because everyone has been to school. I think there's truth in that (no matter how incorrect it is). I'm no expert in dentistry even though I've been to the dentist dozens of times. I've gone to church all my life, but that by no means makes me a preacher.
Folks, the bottom line is this... Teachers are human. There are good ones and there are bad ones. More good than bad. Teachers make mistakes. Some readily admit those mistakes others stubbornly deny them. Some teachers are humble, some are proud and arrogant. In general I think you'll find teachers are good people. Maybe sometime I can make a blog post giving you an inside look at the teachers lounge. Now THAT will show you what teachers are all about and it will be quite entertaining.
Monday, May 13, 2013
The mind of a 5 year old
This is a day late, but Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers in my life. To my own mom to whom I am eternally grateful for all she did to make me the man I am today. To my wife, the mother of my three children. This woman has the strongest maternal instinct of any woman I have ever known. Mess with one of her babies and this mama bear will take your head off and feed it to the dogs... and that's putting it delicately. To my daughter Jessi who become Sveta's mommy last year. This brave woman traveled half way across the world and battled the Russian court system to bring her child home. To my sister and sisters-in-law and my mother-in-law... Happy Mothers Day to all of you. You are all admired and appreciated.
Speaking of Mothers Day... I mentioned some of the cute things Sveta said on Saturday. She also brought Tami (Grandma) a Mothers Day Present. Jessi asked Sveta questions where she had to fill in the blanks. Her answers were then glued to a board with Sveta's handprints all over it. Here are some of the highlights:
I think Grandma is____ years old. 60
My favorite thing to do with Grandma is____. Play kitten
My favorite thing she cooks is____. Goppa's hamburgers. (This is funny because Grandma doesn't cook those... I do)
Grandma's favorite thing to do to relax is____. Read books
Grandma's really good at____. Making stuff, food, hamburgers
When Grandma grows up she wants to be_____. A princess
I like it when Grandma_____. Smiles
Grandma's favorite food is_____. I think it's Goppa's hamburgers
When Grandma has extra time she_____. Works all over the house
This is a real glimpse into the mind of a 5 year old. This didn't make the list, but I heard she asked her mommy, "After the baby comes, are you still going to take care of me?" Awwww... you can't blame the poor little thing for being worried. She's been through so much in her young life, it's no wonder she thinks she may get replaced.
I'm pretty sure mommy will have plenty of love to go around with lots to spare. Happy Mothers Day!
Speaking of Mothers Day... I mentioned some of the cute things Sveta said on Saturday. She also brought Tami (Grandma) a Mothers Day Present. Jessi asked Sveta questions where she had to fill in the blanks. Her answers were then glued to a board with Sveta's handprints all over it. Here are some of the highlights:
I think Grandma is____ years old. 60
My favorite thing to do with Grandma is____. Play kitten
My favorite thing she cooks is____. Goppa's hamburgers. (This is funny because Grandma doesn't cook those... I do)
Grandma's favorite thing to do to relax is____. Read books
Grandma's really good at____. Making stuff, food, hamburgers
When Grandma grows up she wants to be_____. A princess
I like it when Grandma_____. Smiles
Grandma's favorite food is_____. I think it's Goppa's hamburgers
When Grandma has extra time she_____. Works all over the house
This is a real glimpse into the mind of a 5 year old. This didn't make the list, but I heard she asked her mommy, "After the baby comes, are you still going to take care of me?" Awwww... you can't blame the poor little thing for being worried. She's been through so much in her young life, it's no wonder she thinks she may get replaced.
I'm pretty sure mommy will have plenty of love to go around with lots to spare. Happy Mothers Day!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Baby Morton's Shower
The big baby shower went off without a hitch. I have to give a lot of credit to Tami. She did so much preparation and planning that there were no surprises and the whole day went smoothly. The only complaint I have is the weather. While the rain held off, it was much too cool to go outside. We had a large group and everyone was packed pretty tightly into our small house. Everyone adapted just fine and everything worked out great. Baby Morton received a lot of presents which Sveta helped to open. It was very cute. Each time Sveta would open a present and ask, "Who is this for?". The answer was the same every time. "It's for the baby". She handled the idea of presents not being for her very well. It appears Sveta is most excited about feeding the baby which she's been promised the opportunity to do. Tami also came up with a great idea. In lieu of party games she had all the men tell funny pregnancy or childbirth stories. We all had a good laugh at some of the experiences relayed from the fathers' perspectives. The whole party had a red, white and blue theme. The baby is due on the 4th of July, so it only seemed appropriate to have Independence Day decorations. The day's final activity was the setting off of some fireworks. They would have been more impressive in the dark, but I think everybody got the gist of what we were doing.
We also celebrated Mothers Day. I think all the Mothers in attendance were duly honored.
The food was also quite a hit. Tami prepared some delicious pulled pork and delicious side dishes highlighted by her famous baked beans. If you've never had Tami's baked beans, you are really missing something.
All in all, it was a great day. One that won't ever be forgotten. Now all we have to do is wait for Baby Morton to decide to enter this big, new world. We can't wait!
We also celebrated Mothers Day. I think all the Mothers in attendance were duly honored.
The food was also quite a hit. Tami prepared some delicious pulled pork and delicious side dishes highlighted by her famous baked beans. If you've never had Tami's baked beans, you are really missing something.
All in all, it was a great day. One that won't ever be forgotten. Now all we have to do is wait for Baby Morton to decide to enter this big, new world. We can't wait!
I am getting ready to leave for church and will give a full report this evening. The party in honor of Baby Morton was a tremendous success. A good time was had by all. Details later today.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Rain Rain Go Away!
Praying for nice weather tomorrow. Unfortunately the chance of rain showers has gradually crept up and the forecasted temperature has gradually gone down.
I still believe it is going to be a relatively nice day. Full report tomorrow night.
I still believe it is going to be a relatively nice day. Full report tomorrow night.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Long and Short of it
After tomorrow, only 18 days remain in the school year. That's such a short time you say. Considering a school year is a minimum of 180 days, it really is a short time. However, short as the time may be, it can also seem like an eternity. The last four weeks are chock full of schedule disruptions, special activities, Field Day, awards ceremonies and almost anything that would not be considered normal school activities. Children do not do well when they are taken out of their routine. Add a dose of spring fever and a rapidly approaching summer vacation and you have a recipe for four weeks of what teachers call "Survival Mode". Simply put, teachers do everything possible to maintain a level of normalcy and keep a lid on things. This is no small task. Kids get a little bit fired up when they can sense weeks of summer fun ahead. We'll definitely make it through the end of the school year, but it can be a long, tough road getting there.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Back to back, Jack!
A friend from church called me yesterday and offered me a free ticket to the Reds game. Sadly I had to decline his generous offer. I didn't listen to the game last night either. I had a dinner date with my #1 granddaughter and her parents. Tami arranged a surprise dinner with them because it's teacher appreciation week. I don't normally "celebrate" teacher appreciation week, but if Sveta wanted to see her Goppa, then by golly who am I to say no to that? However, I didn't know about this surprise when I declined the offer of the ticket from my friend. Anyway, By the time I got home I was just too tired to do anything.
Of course on one of the rare nights I didn't tune in, the Reds pulled off the most dramatic, exciting victory of the season. The Reds were down by a run in the bottom of the 9th inning. There were 2 outs, nobody on base and the batter (Devin Mesoraco) was down to his last strike. Atlanta's most dominant pitcher needed only one more strike to seal the victory. Mesoraco promptly knocked the next pitch out of the park to tie the game. If that wasn't exciting enough, the next batter, Shin Soo Choo blasted a game winning, walk off home run to send the delirious fans home on a happy note. That's back to back home runs, Jack!
Even with all that... I don't regret turning down the ticket and I don't regret not tuning in on the radio. I'd much rather spend time with my granddaughter. There will be other exciting games. Sveta won't be five forever. This was a no brainer!
Of course on one of the rare nights I didn't tune in, the Reds pulled off the most dramatic, exciting victory of the season. The Reds were down by a run in the bottom of the 9th inning. There were 2 outs, nobody on base and the batter (Devin Mesoraco) was down to his last strike. Atlanta's most dominant pitcher needed only one more strike to seal the victory. Mesoraco promptly knocked the next pitch out of the park to tie the game. If that wasn't exciting enough, the next batter, Shin Soo Choo blasted a game winning, walk off home run to send the delirious fans home on a happy note. That's back to back home runs, Jack!
Even with all that... I don't regret turning down the ticket and I don't regret not tuning in on the radio. I'd much rather spend time with my granddaughter. There will be other exciting games. Sveta won't be five forever. This was a no brainer!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
To mow or not to mow...
I don't profess to know anything about William Shakespeare or his writings. For some reason I could never get interested in reading this intellectual stuff. However,there are a few quotes that are almost universally known. "Romeo, Oh Romeo. Wherefore art thou, Romeo?". Double, double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble". "To be or not to be. That is the question". You get the idea...
This isn't Shakespeare, but I must ask... "To mow or not to mow? That is the question". I guess everyone has figured it out by now. I'm a bit fanatical about my lawn and yard work. I take great pride in maintaining a tidy lawn and well groomed landscaping. It certainly doesn't look professionally done, but it's mine and I'm proud of it.
I mentioned yesterday the wet weather forecast and how it is causing me great concern. Not only does the rainy weather mess up outdoor party plans, but it also causes a problem where mowing the lawn is concerned. The aforementioned pride in the way my lawn looks is the real reason for my concern. Having large numbers of people at my house causes me to want to have my lawn looking in tip-top condition. The idea of having a party and not having a freshly mown and manicured lawn is unthinkable. Or is it? Is it really THAT important? Are my family and friends going to judge my lawn care skills on my grass being a bit long because of wet conditions? I know they won't. I'm being stupid. These folks are not coming to my home to see a nice looking yard. They are coming for fellowship, fun and to celebrate the soon-to-be-born Morton baby. Actually I have to give the credit to my wife for talking sense into me. She said, "These are people that love you. They don't care if your grass is a little long"... and you know what? She's right. She's beautiful AND wise. Nobody will think less of me if the rain prevents a lawn mowing before Saturday. I need to get over myself. In the end, the only one who cares about the grass is me. The guests are coming to see my pregnant daughter, her husband, Sveta and to shower them with baby gifts (and the food... obviously they're coming for the food :-). It's time for me to focus on what's important and quit worrying about superficial things. My treasure is stored up in Heaven... not out in the yard.
This isn't Shakespeare, but I must ask... "To mow or not to mow? That is the question". I guess everyone has figured it out by now. I'm a bit fanatical about my lawn and yard work. I take great pride in maintaining a tidy lawn and well groomed landscaping. It certainly doesn't look professionally done, but it's mine and I'm proud of it.
I mentioned yesterday the wet weather forecast and how it is causing me great concern. Not only does the rainy weather mess up outdoor party plans, but it also causes a problem where mowing the lawn is concerned. The aforementioned pride in the way my lawn looks is the real reason for my concern. Having large numbers of people at my house causes me to want to have my lawn looking in tip-top condition. The idea of having a party and not having a freshly mown and manicured lawn is unthinkable. Or is it? Is it really THAT important? Are my family and friends going to judge my lawn care skills on my grass being a bit long because of wet conditions? I know they won't. I'm being stupid. These folks are not coming to my home to see a nice looking yard. They are coming for fellowship, fun and to celebrate the soon-to-be-born Morton baby. Actually I have to give the credit to my wife for talking sense into me. She said, "These are people that love you. They don't care if your grass is a little long"... and you know what? She's right. She's beautiful AND wise. Nobody will think less of me if the rain prevents a lawn mowing before Saturday. I need to get over myself. In the end, the only one who cares about the grass is me. The guests are coming to see my pregnant daughter, her husband, Sveta and to shower them with baby gifts (and the food... obviously they're coming for the food :-). It's time for me to focus on what's important and quit worrying about superficial things. My treasure is stored up in Heaven... not out in the yard.
Monday, May 6, 2013
How we lookin'?
Everybody knows how much I enjoy Reds baseball. In particular my fondness for listening to the game on the radio. Add to that a warm day, a gentle breeze and a cold beverage and I'm set for a couple of hours. The more I've listened to these games, the more I've gotten to know the broadcasters. Marty Brennamen and Jeff Brantley (aka The Cowboy), make you feel like you are the only listener and they are speaking to only you. You get to know their speech inflections and patterns, their personalities, their likes and dislikes, their favorite phrases and their quirks. One of my favorites is uttered when things are not going well for the Reds. When a player makes a particularly boneheaded move or the other team is scoring runs seemingly at will, one will ask, "How we lookin'?" The expected reply is, "Not good. Not good at all!".
I bring this all up because of the upcoming party at my house Saturday. It's 5 days away and I'm already closely monitoring the weather forecast. The outlook is for scattered rain most of the week including Saturday. This concerns me greatly because the forecast yesterday called for scattered showers. Ummm... it rained ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT! Scattered showers indeed! As I look at the forecast for the next 5 days I feel like I must ask myself, "How we lookin'?". The answer is obvious. "Not good. Not good at all!".
I bring this all up because of the upcoming party at my house Saturday. It's 5 days away and I'm already closely monitoring the weather forecast. The outlook is for scattered rain most of the week including Saturday. This concerns me greatly because the forecast yesterday called for scattered showers. Ummm... it rained ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT! Scattered showers indeed! As I look at the forecast for the next 5 days I feel like I must ask myself, "How we lookin'?". The answer is obvious. "Not good. Not good at all!".

Sunday, May 5, 2013
April Showers
April showers bring even more May showers. I know spring is supposed to be a rainy season. There can be no lush greenery or flowers without these showers. However, I am hoping for nice weather Saturday. We are having a BIG family party in anticipation of Baby Morton arriving in a few months. Our house is on the small side and inclement weather could seriously inhibit the day's plans. As it stands, there is a 50% chance of rain :-( We have a large deck and a nice area for entertaining outside. If it rains things will get mighty cozy indoors. No matter what happens we will have a good time, but I will be selfishly praying for nice weather.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Happy Star Wars Day!
Happy Star Wars Day! Today is May 4th... May the 4th be with you!
On a serious note--- It was exactly two years ago today that Michael's lung collapsed for the first time. In the next two months it would collapse twice more resulting in surgery and a weeklong stay in the hospital. By the grace of God Michael hasn't experienced any more problems with his lung. Thank you, Lord!

On a serious note--- It was exactly two years ago today that Michael's lung collapsed for the first time. In the next two months it would collapse twice more resulting in surgery and a weeklong stay in the hospital. By the grace of God Michael hasn't experienced any more problems with his lung. Thank you, Lord!

I have been waiting for ages for spring to arrive in full force. After the eternity that was this past winter, God's creation has exploded in a wonderful display of green. This onslaught of vegetation also brings some green I don't want. WEEDS! I spent the better part of my morning and early afternoon attempting to get the weeds in my yard under control. I didn't even put a dent in the pesky buggers. These weeds root deep, wedge themselves into the tightest crevices and multiply at an unbelievable rate. It's an ongoing battle that I don't expect to ever win. The best I can hope for is to keep them at bay and to not let them completely take over my yard. This battle is exactly what God promised after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 3,after Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, God told Adam mankind would forever toil in the land and both thorns and thistles (i.e. weeds) would be brought forth by the land. All is not lost however. I have learned how to make homemade herbicide. Weed killers like Round Up or Weed-b-gone are tremendously expensive. I read online that a simple mixture of vinegar, salt and dish soap works as an excellent weed killer. I admit I was skeptical, but those ingredients are dirt cheap, so I figured there could be no harm in trying. Boy was I pleasantly surprised! Tuesday night I mixed a batch and sprayed it on a large area that was completely overgrown. The next night I went out and was shocked to see dead, brown weeds where I had applied the homemade concoction. I will be purchasing large quantities of vinegar, salt and soap this summer. There is also another cheap solution to weed control. This one is only practical for small applications. Are you ready for this one? Boiling water. Yeah, you read that correctly... boiling water. Essentially the scalding water cooks the weeds and destroys the roots. I tried it on the weeds growing in the cracks in my driveway and on some dandelions in the flower bed. Once again I was shocked at the effectiveness of the solution to the problem of these persistent weeds. The next day revealed more dead, brown weeds. So the verdict is in. No more commercially produced, overpriced weed killers for me. Boiling water and cheap household products work just as well. Now I just need to invest in a decent sprayer for widespread application. Maybe you'd like to try these weed control measures for yourself. Folks, I'm here to serve... you're welcome :-)
Friday, May 3, 2013
Red when I'm dead
I'm not a morbid person. I'm not into dark humor or anything that deals with death. Though it seems our society has become obsessed with death. Look at the popularity of shows like CSI. There are tons of shows like this. It's not that I'm afraid of death. It's quite the opposite. I am quite secure in where I am going after my death. I will leave my earthly body and dwell in paradise with my Savior forever. I don't spend much time thinking about my own funeral, but will admit that it has crossed my mind. Is that weird? I've only had three thoughts about my own funeral. First, I want it to be a celebration of my life (not weeping and wailing because I'm gone). Second, there are a few songs I want sung at my funeral. Third, I don't want my family to spend a lot of money on my funeral. Big, fancy, expensive funerals are nothing but a waste of money. For all I care you can put me in a pine box, have a simple church service and throw some dirt on me. It makes no difference to me... I won't be there anyway. I would never really want this, but in fun, might I suggest this casket?
If I'm cremated, how about this urn?

I'll be Cincinnati Red even when I'm dead.

If I'm cremated, how about this urn?

I'll be Cincinnati Red even when I'm dead.
Summer is quickly approaching and that means I am looking forward to doing lots of things. Among those things is actually having time to read. I love to read, but don't really have much time to do it. I am particularly fond of non-fiction. Last year Tami pointed me in the direction of a book called "Unbroken". This is the story of a man named Louis Zamperini. Louis was a world class track star back in the 30's. He was a tremendous athlete at the University of Southern California and even ran in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. These are the same games where Jesse Owens won all his gold medals and Adolf Hitler treated him so horribly. Louis didn't win a medal in those Olympics because he was young and needed more time to mature and train. The plan was to return to the 1940 Olympics where he would have been favored to win a medal. Louis never made it to the 1940 Olympic Games. World War II had begun and those games scheduled to take place in Tokyo were cancelled. Louis then set his sights on the games in 1944, but that never happened either because the U.S. was involved in the war by that time.
This book is not about Louis's lost opportunity of running in the Olympics. It's so much more than that. When the war broke out, Louis joined the U.S. Army Air Corps. This is significant to his story because Louis was deathly afraid of flying. But much like most men of his day, Louis was forced to put those fears behind him and selflessly serve his country. Louis served in a bomber and as luck would have it, his plane was shot down and crashed into the Pacific Ocean. He and several of his crew mates survived the crash and made it onto a life raft. While on the raft, these brave men faced blistering heat, storms, hunger and severe dehydration for weeks. At some point a fighter plane spotted them and they thought rescue was imminent. The plane ended up being Japanese and strafed the raft with bullets. Somehow the men survived the attack, but their position was relayed to the Japanese Navy and they were captured and placed as POW's in a prison camp. The conditions in this camp were obviously deplorable. Crowded, filthy, very little food or water and tales of unspeakable torture. Most of the story takes place in this prison camp, but as you may have already guessed, by the grace of God, Louis made it out alive. He would never run competitively again. His body was a shell of its former self because of the years of mistreatment, malnutrition and torture. Louis went on to lead an incredible life and became a Christian. Louis is still alive today and must be in his 90's by now This book is an incredible read and I dare you to put it down once you start reading it. I know you won't be able to do it. Tami rarely reads these kinds of books, but absolutely loved this one. It's such a compelling story of the human spirit, the unquenchable will to live and a story of the incredible work of God in one man's amazing life.
This book is not about Louis's lost opportunity of running in the Olympics. It's so much more than that. When the war broke out, Louis joined the U.S. Army Air Corps. This is significant to his story because Louis was deathly afraid of flying. But much like most men of his day, Louis was forced to put those fears behind him and selflessly serve his country. Louis served in a bomber and as luck would have it, his plane was shot down and crashed into the Pacific Ocean. He and several of his crew mates survived the crash and made it onto a life raft. While on the raft, these brave men faced blistering heat, storms, hunger and severe dehydration for weeks. At some point a fighter plane spotted them and they thought rescue was imminent. The plane ended up being Japanese and strafed the raft with bullets. Somehow the men survived the attack, but their position was relayed to the Japanese Navy and they were captured and placed as POW's in a prison camp. The conditions in this camp were obviously deplorable. Crowded, filthy, very little food or water and tales of unspeakable torture. Most of the story takes place in this prison camp, but as you may have already guessed, by the grace of God, Louis made it out alive. He would never run competitively again. His body was a shell of its former self because of the years of mistreatment, malnutrition and torture. Louis went on to lead an incredible life and became a Christian. Louis is still alive today and must be in his 90's by now This book is an incredible read and I dare you to put it down once you start reading it. I know you won't be able to do it. Tami rarely reads these kinds of books, but absolutely loved this one. It's such a compelling story of the human spirit, the unquenchable will to live and a story of the incredible work of God in one man's amazing life.

Thursday, May 2, 2013
People act crazy!
Humans beings are funny. They do strange things and act in such odd ways. One area where this is evident is sports. Don't believe me? Go to a little kids soccer game or a little league baseball game sometime. People who are normally rational and calm are transformed into vicious spectators on the bleachers of an athletic field. These otherwise average people scream at the children, berate the referees and umpires and argue with fans from the opposing team. In some rare cases physical altercations have been known to occur... and for what? A sporting event involving children. This is not a new problem either. I played baseball and soccer as a child and I remember some incidents that would cause your jaw to drop.
The problem is not exclusive to youth sports. The news is full of stories from high school, college and professional sports where people behave badly. In fact, as the stakes get higher, tensions rise, emotions take over and incidents get uglier and uglier.
I have never been one to get worked up at sporting events. I've never yelled at a child as a coach. I've never yelled at an umpire of referee. I've never gotten myself whipped into a frenzy at any sporting event. That's not to say I'm emotionless. I get happy when the Bengals and Reds win and disappointed when they lose. I realized a long time ago it was not worth the emotional energy to worry too much about sports. There are things far more important. However, I am guilty of cheering at a sporting event on TV. Standing in my own living room wildly cheering a fantastic finish or great play. I've also been known to tell a player on TV that he made a boneheaded play (as if he could hear me!). In the end, sports at any level are for fun and entertainment. If it is causing you angst or causing you to behave in a bad way (when you normally wouldn't), then it may be time to take a look at what's important in life. I guarantee when the Reds or Bengals lose, the players don't go home and sulk. They go about their lives. The go out for drinks with the guys, go home to their wives, go golfing, go fishing or whatever. Getting so emotionally involved in sports that it totally consumes you, is not healthy.
I thought this comic was funny. It shows how silly men can act when watching sports on TV (I admit it. I'm guilty of this as well). Imagine how women would act if they were as silly as us guys.
The problem is not exclusive to youth sports. The news is full of stories from high school, college and professional sports where people behave badly. In fact, as the stakes get higher, tensions rise, emotions take over and incidents get uglier and uglier.
I have never been one to get worked up at sporting events. I've never yelled at a child as a coach. I've never yelled at an umpire of referee. I've never gotten myself whipped into a frenzy at any sporting event. That's not to say I'm emotionless. I get happy when the Bengals and Reds win and disappointed when they lose. I realized a long time ago it was not worth the emotional energy to worry too much about sports. There are things far more important. However, I am guilty of cheering at a sporting event on TV. Standing in my own living room wildly cheering a fantastic finish or great play. I've also been known to tell a player on TV that he made a boneheaded play (as if he could hear me!). In the end, sports at any level are for fun and entertainment. If it is causing you angst or causing you to behave in a bad way (when you normally wouldn't), then it may be time to take a look at what's important in life. I guarantee when the Reds or Bengals lose, the players don't go home and sulk. They go about their lives. The go out for drinks with the guys, go home to their wives, go golfing, go fishing or whatever. Getting so emotionally involved in sports that it totally consumes you, is not healthy.
I thought this comic was funny. It shows how silly men can act when watching sports on TV (I admit it. I'm guilty of this as well). Imagine how women would act if they were as silly as us guys.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Eek! It's a Miska!
Sveta has been taking ballet lessons for several months. She has a recital coming up in a few weeks and I know a few grandparents who can hardly wait! Here she is in her Mouse Costume (can you tell she loves it? The tail is her favorite part).
The title of this post uses the word, "Miska". That's Russian for mouse. In her short time in the U.S., Sveta has lost almost all of her Russian, but does retain a few words. One of those words is Miska.
I received this photo via e-mail at work on Monday. What a wonderful way to start an otherwise dreadful week. Here's my little miska!

The title of this post uses the word, "Miska". That's Russian for mouse. In her short time in the U.S., Sveta has lost almost all of her Russian, but does retain a few words. One of those words is Miska.
I received this photo via e-mail at work on Monday. What a wonderful way to start an otherwise dreadful week. Here's my little miska!

A shower in May
April showers bring May flowers. We've heard it since our childhood. Today I want to talk about a shower in May. Not a rain shower, but a baby shower!
In a few weeks we will hosting a baby shower at our house. This is not not your traditional baby shower. It's more like a family and friends party. Men, women and children will attend. There will be no silly party games, we'll serve more than finger sandwiches and fruit punch with rainbow sherbet and it will also serve as a Mothers Day celebration. Because the baby is due on the good ol' 4th of July, we're also going to have an early Independence Day celebration. What a day it will be! Baby shower, Mothers Day and Independence Day all rolled into one!
Tami and I love hosting parties. Especially when the weather is warm and we can lounge on the deck and under the gazebo. The good thing is it forces me to spruce up the yard, deck and pool area. The bad thing is it's a lot of work in a short period of time. I usually like to do all the outside work gradually, but this big soiree' demands it. Oh well, at least when the party is over the backyard paradise will be ready for Memorial Day and subsequently, summer.
Can't wait for our little 'Firecracker' Baby to get here :-)

In a few weeks we will hosting a baby shower at our house. This is not not your traditional baby shower. It's more like a family and friends party. Men, women and children will attend. There will be no silly party games, we'll serve more than finger sandwiches and fruit punch with rainbow sherbet and it will also serve as a Mothers Day celebration. Because the baby is due on the good ol' 4th of July, we're also going to have an early Independence Day celebration. What a day it will be! Baby shower, Mothers Day and Independence Day all rolled into one!
Tami and I love hosting parties. Especially when the weather is warm and we can lounge on the deck and under the gazebo. The good thing is it forces me to spruce up the yard, deck and pool area. The bad thing is it's a lot of work in a short period of time. I usually like to do all the outside work gradually, but this big soiree' demands it. Oh well, at least when the party is over the backyard paradise will be ready for Memorial Day and subsequently, summer.
Can't wait for our little 'Firecracker' Baby to get here :-)

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