Raise your hand if you've ever played Monopoly. Yup, I thought so. Me too. Raise your hand again if you've ever declined to play Monopoly because it just takes TOO LONG! Yup, me too! Well guess what folks, we may have been suffering needlessly through long, tedious games of Monopoly our entire lives. Apparently there is an often overlooked, obscure rule that would tremendously speed up the game if followed. In other words, the creators of the game didn't intend for the game to last for hours on end. I'm not a patient person, so count me in! The rule in question states that if someone lands on a property and doesn't want to buy it, the property is is immediately up for auction top all other players. How many times have you circled the Monopoly board hoping to land on that property you needed to complete your color set? I know I have. We've been playing the game completely wrong! This changes everything.
I did not discover this rule on my own. I saw it on FoxNews.com. Here's a snippet of what I read:
If a player chooses not to buy a property after landing on it, instead of his or her turn ending, the property goes up for auction.
“If you do not wish to buy the property, the Banker sells it at auction to the highest bidder,” the Monopoly rules state. “The buyer pays the Bank the amount of the bid in cash and receives the Title Deed card for that property.”
Without observing the rule, Monopoly players can find themselves “suffering long action-free periods in which [they] endlessly circle the board in search of the streets they need to complete a set,”
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/05/29/have-been-playing-monopoly-wrong/#ixzz2UhBXd12h
Unbelievable! Just when you think you know how to play a game!
Monopoly anyone?

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