Speaking of change, there is change in my near future at school. We are getting a new principal. I have worked for the current principal for about 19 years. I am very comfortable working for him and I'm accustomed to everything about him. Next year we get somebody new. I have no idea what the new principal will be like, but true to my character I am not looking forward to the change. However, if history is any indicator I will probably end up liking the new principal just fine. He deserves a chance and he'll get it from me. There is also more change likely in my future. There is a strong possibility I will be given a new teaching assignment next year. A new grade level, subject area and classroom are not out of the question. Less likely, but still possible is an assignment in a different building. All of this scares the living daylights out of me. Consider I have taught Social Studies at the same grade levels and in the same classroom for the last 13 years. Think I might be kind of set in my ways? Yeah, I am.
Knowing I do not like change, I have been praying. You might think my prayer has been to stay exactly where I am, doing what I've always done. In short, praying for no change. That's not the case at all. My prayer has been to acknowledge that God knows what is best for me more than I know what is best for me. My prayer has been to accept whatever God has for me. Not my will, but Your will be done, Lord. If my teaching assignment changes it's because this is God's will for me. I pray for the faith to trust in the Lord. I am weak, but with God all things are possible. Even Mick Meyer graciously accepting change in his life.

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